Chapter 40

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Jack here

It seems that Lushea started to write something at my journal...damn it, how should and where should I hid...oh I forgot about the inventory skill. Damn it

Lately I feel that something big is coming...but what is it?

Marielle's POV

Moving in the shadows is our main talent, gathering data, espionage, and subterfuge. These are all what made up an empire's intelligence agent.

Currently we are at our 5th location to stop by and investigate. Miruzo City is the name, and it is quite a bustling city. I have already commanded my subordinates as to what to do.

[I hope we can at least find a lead] (Marielle)

There were some that said they've spotted mechanical and golem like beings. Example was the merchant while on the way here while he was at the death mountain road. He confessed that a large bipedal metal golem like being saves him from monster attacks and it immediately left flying.

Hearing that kind of testimony somehow aligned with the scouts' testimony during their audience with her majesty, Yullia-sama.......

[Are we really trailing a newly erected myth that pertains about the rising of an army of inhuman being?] (??) Asks my female subordinate who will be my assistant here.

[Even I do not know what's the truth about it. All we can just do is to follow the empress' orders and gather information as much as we can] (Marielle) We are desperate, not because of this, but because of the oracle that the temple shrine maidens have received a year ago.

"He will arrive bringing peace and war to wherever he goes. Armies that decimates any on the path shall be his power, the impact of his presence on any place will give rise to developments, as well as destruction"

I still remember the ghastly look of the miko back then as she said those words.

But upon those, all i can understand is that we should not disturb the person stated in the oracle. To bring peace and war, he must be that powerful, to command an army of inhuman...he must be a summoner or magician.

[Leader....] (??)

[Okay, let us do this] (Marielle) I nodded at my subordinate and start our inconspicuous intelligence gathering.
-Jack's POV
We returned back to the city and rest. Lushea is currently sleeping while leaning on my head. In short she's on my shoulder.

[Haaa—h what a shameless fairy] I took cookie and fanned it on her nose.

Pikun pikun

Her nose sniffed it...and her hands then gripped on the cookie and started nibbling.

[ can you know how I act?!] (Lushea) Angrily she said while happily eating the cookie.

[What do you think I am?] I am your contracted master after all. And do not look at me with that "please more?" look. That cookie was enough for you for your size.

We are also gathering the eyes of the public due to her appearance as well as the physical contact she has with me. I guess that only means that fairies are quite rare in this world...or is it because there are people who yearn for them.

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