153. The Meet and Greet

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Noelani's pov

I quickly run up to our room so I can brush my teeth. I have ten minutes before my meet and greet. I run into the bathroom and smear toothpaste on my toothbrush and I quickly brush my teeth. I spit and rinse and then go to the toilet.

I run my room and quickly spray some body spray and perfume over me. I race back down the the meet and greet. I walk when I realised I still have five minutes to get there.

Jerry meets me at the bottom of the elevator doors. He guides me through the now busy halls. I take this quick moment to vlog. I don't care if there are screaming fans in the background.

"Hi everyone so I am on my way to my meet and greet now. I have just been told that I have merch now! I still need to find out more like if you guys at home can order it online and the prices. Apparently you guys that are here are going crazy buying it! Thank you it means a lot." I say walking close behind Jerry.

People scream my name and I wave and say a quick hello. Me and Jeff walk through a set of double doors and I see all my friends in our sitting area.

"So we are in the massive hall where our meet and greets are being held. As you can probably hear in the background, there is a lot of shouting and talking behind these curtains. Well that's all the people me and the others are going to be meeting.

"Obviously they are all in their own rows for who they are meeting but I can't believe that some of you guys are here to meet me and that I am here about to meet you! This is like a dream come true." I say smiling like an idiot to the camera.

"I'll see you when I am about to go out!" I end the recording there and join my friends.

People explain what is going to happen. Basically just say hi, they may say some stuff to you like thank you. They may give you a letter or ask you to sign something of theirs and then you take a photo and hug. They also said that we will be given a box each for our letters to go in.

"Noelani are you ready to go first?" One of the managers ask.

"I guess." I say slightly nervous.

"Have fun!" All my friends call out after me.

"They are gunna adore you." Connor says before he kisses me good luck.

"They will adore you too. But don't get too excited with the girls, I will be watching you." I say giggling.

"And don't get excited with the boys, I'll be watching you too." He says grinning.

I take out my vlogging camera.

"So it has gone silent and I am about to go out. I am so excited." I whisper.

I turn the camera towards the curtain and the manager shows me a thumbs up. They pull back the curtain slightly and I walk through. I get blasted with screams and cheers as I walk out.

My jaw drops when I see how many people are here. It looks like I have over four hundred people in my que...

"Oh my god." I say shocked.

I wave to the huge crowd and their screams grow louder. I lift my camera up so it look over the heads and right down the lines. I turn the camera off and put it next to the curtain.

I sit down on the chair and the first person comes up nervously.

"Hi Noelani, you look amazing." She says nervously.

This girl, no joke is like a little child... She literally looks about six. I see her parents waiting at the side and I smile at them andthey smile back at me.

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