112. Getting Better

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Connor's pov

I wake up to giggling. I smile as it is Noelani. I can hear her shouting at Tyler to stop whatever it is he is doing. She sounds like she is struggling to breath though because of her laughter. I'm guessing that there is a tickle war going on in the front room.

I climb out of Noelani's bed and walk into the living room. Tyler is walking round the couch, his eyes looked on Noelani and where she is moving. Noelani runs across the couch and tackles Tyler to the floor.

Noelani starts to tickle Tyler and he screams as he laughs. He reaches up and starts to tickle her back. I cough slightly as this is getting quite awkward for me to watch.

I cough again as they didn't hear me the first time and they both look up at me. I start to feel dizzy from standing up for too long so I sit down. Noelani pulls off of Tyler and sits next to me. Concern fills her face and she moves closer towards me.

"You okay? You're swaying." She says pulling me into her arms.

I close my eyes and gently kiss her neck causing her to giggle slightly. It feels nice having her warmth. I feel freeze and I can tell I am because she shivers a little. I kiss her cheek and Noelani holds me tightly as I hold her waist.

"You okay? You should be sleeping." She says feeling my head with the back of her hand.

"I was sleeping but your laughter woke me up. I don't mind though, I feel fine." I lie.

Noelani being Noelani, she looks right through my lie and shakes her head a little. Her hands rest on my arms and she looks at my hands.

"Don't bullshit me, you are boiling hot. Do you want me to take your sweater off for you?" She asks looking at me with concern and worry in her eyes.

I nod slightly and she gently pulls my sweater off over my head. She sits it next to us and she kisses my head carefully. She pulls me closer to her body and I cuddle into her again as I feel like I could puke.

Actually... I run to the bathroom and lean over the toilet. I throw up in the toilet, my stomach straining itself as it releases the sick from my body. I feel someone's hand gently rub my back. Is smooth circles and up and down.

"It's okay. You're going to be okay. Let it all out." She whispers, lightly kissing my shoulder as I throw up.

I pull away from the toilet and she quickly fills up a cup of water and gives it to me so I can empty my mouth. She fills it again so I can drink something and to get the horrible feeling out of my throat. Noelani gets some tissue and wipes my lips and she brushes my quiff back with her spare hand.

"I'm sorry." I say as tears roll down my cheeks, I hate being ill.

"Don't worry. I guess it's my turn to look after you. You have done it for me loads." She says smiling at me.

She flushes the toilet and helps me up. Aw holds my waist and I rest my head on top of her as we walk out the bathroom. She walks me to my bedroom and she sits me up.

She pulls the duvet cover up around me and closes my curtain, leaving on a small lamp to illuminate my room. She looks really worried and her eyes are looking everywhere but in mine.

"I'll make you some soup." She says feeling my head again.

I nod my head a little and she kisses the top of my head. She whispers a quick 'I love you' and wipes away a few tears that managed to escape my eyes. She rushes off out my room and I close my eyes while I wait.

I start to grow tired so I decide that I'll take a nap while I wait for Noelani to make my soup. After a few minutes I hear my bedroom door open.

"Connor." Noelani says sitting next to me.

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