143. Fun Excuses To Ditch Your Friends

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Noelani's pov

We calm down before I turn on my camera. When we have calmed ourselves from the excitement of the other video, I turn on my camera and take my seat between both Scott and Mitch.

"Hi everyone, I am Noelani and these two handsome men are..."

"Scott!" Scott says hugging my side.

"Mitch!" Mitch says hugging my other side too.

"Where can the people find you if they like you?" I ask them.

"You can find us on Superfruit or if you want to see us both and three others singing A Capella then make sure to check out Pentatonix!" Scott says pulling away.

"Yeah guys check these two out and their group... I love both the channels and they are the nicest people ever!" I say smiling at them both.

"Awh you're the nicest person ever." Mitch says with his voice growing higher slightly.

"Awh stop it... Today we are going to tell you ways that you can avoid going out with your friends when you're not quite feeling up to it." I say giggling.

"I'm so excited! Let's start!" Scott says excitedly.

"I have a date with Obama." Scott starts it off.

We all struggle to hold back our laughter.

"I can't make it because you suck!" I sing the 'u' in suck.

"Oh my god..." Scott and Mitch says laughing.

"I am gay." Mitch says innocently.

Me and Scott laugh at that reason. The thing is it's true, they are both gay. We just find it amusing with the way he said it.

"I'm gunna use that." I say laughing

"Sorry I have run out of wine." Scott says shrugging.

"It's funny because you have actually used that and it worked." Mitch says laughing.

"Did it actually?" I ask shocked.

"Yes but the person was dumb so it doesn't matter." Scott says in a not bothered tone.

"I'm six months pregnant." I say rubbing my flat stomach.

"Congratulations!" Scott and Mitch say in role.

"I have a pentatonix rehearsal... Laalalaaa." Mitch sings.

"Ohh very good." I say clapping.

"Thank you!" He says happily.

"Everyone I touch dies." Scott says pretending to cry.

"Awh... stay away from me." Mitch says hiding behind me.

"I'm allergic to you." I say with my hands up.

"I have to get past two on flappy bird." Mitch says clicking onto the app.

"I hate that game so much!" I say cringing at the thought of it.

"I'm a serial killer." Scott says with an evil grin.

"Take Mitch not me!" I say grabbing Mitch.

"No please." He says dramatically.

"I'm having a baby!" I scream.

"Somebody call an ambulance!" Mitch and Scott shout in unison.

"It's national no hanging out with friends day." Mitch says showing the camera his calendar on his phone.

"I have to watch every single beyonce music video on YouTube at least three times..." Scott says realistically.

"Oh my god yes!" I say excitedly.

The three of us start to sing beyonce.

"I'm frozen." I say staying still.

"Do you want to build a snowman?" Scott and Mitch sing.

"You're ugly..." Mitch says taking a selfie.

"Wow, be rude about it.." Scott says pretending to cry.

"It's okay Scott, I think you're pretty." I say hugging him.

"Yay!" He cheers.

We do a load more and they get funnier and slightly ruder as we reach the end. These collabs have been the funniest I have done yet... I think about one quarter of the footage is us just crying with laughter.

We form hearts with our hands and the three of us walk closer to the camera and I turn it off as we cover the lense.

"That was so much fun..." I say taking my camera of the tripod.

"It was! We need to hang out more when we aren't here." Scott says.

"Oh my god I would love that!" Mitch says excitedly.

My phone beeps with a text and it is Troye.

'Hey are you ready to meet up? I'm in our room. ~Troye x'

"Guys this has been great, but I really have to go because I arranged to meet up with Troye. I'll catch up with you later?" I say hopefully.

"Oh okay, yeah sure! We would love to talk to you soon! Maybe Connor could come along too?" Scott asks.

My eyes light up at the thought.

"Yeah of course! Thank you so much for filming with me. This has been a dream come true." I say smiling shyly.

"Oh shush... It's been amazing. It was such a laugh. We will have to collab again if the people want us to." Mitch says.

"I would love that." I say rubbing my arm.

"Okay then. See you soon. We will let you catch up to Troye." Scott says hugging me.

"Okay, thank you again." I say whilst hugging Mitch.

"Bye!" They both sing as I run to the door.

"Bye!" I sing back.

All I am doing now is smiling...


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Thanks a lot!

See you in a bit x

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