105. Walking With You

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Noelani's pov

I open my bedroom door and am surprised to see Connor about to knock on my door.

"Hey." I say blushing quite badly.

"Hi." He says slightly flustered.

"Should we go?" I ask him as he stares at me intently.

"Uh, yeah." He says snapping himself out of his thoughts.

I giggle slightly and walk out my bedroom. I close my door and feel a little nervous. I have no idea why though. We are only going out for a walk together. It's not such a big deal seem as we have done other things that are more or a bigger deal than this.

"See you soon Tyler!" Connor shouts.

"See ya! Make sure you remember your way home! And be back before its dark!" Tyler calls from the kitchen.

"Yes dad!" I laugh.

Me and Connor walk out the apartment and the apartment building. We start to both walk down the sidewalk and we don't say anything. It's quite nice though. There's no awkwardness it's satisfying.

I take in my surroundings and the feeling of fresh air. It feels nice to be out and walking around after staying inside for so long. I almost forgotten what the outside looks like.

I have been too scared to go out of the house since shit has happened. I have a feeling that someone is always watching me or is going to attack me. I know it sounds stupid but you never know how far or close saner is because it could be just around the corner.

But being out here today is really nice. I mean, I might observe people as I walk past them but I stay close to Connors side in case something happens. I am so anxious right now. It's like I can sense something bad about to happen.

Connor takes my hand in his and I look up at him and smile. He smiles down at me as we intertwine our fingers. It feels perfect. I have wanted to honour for a walk in months. But I have been letting my fears get the best of me.

"Where are we going?" I ask him quietly as he tugs me down a path I've never been to before.

"We are going to one of my favourite places." He says with a smile on his face.

"Okay." I say following him.

"I think you would like it too." He says as we take a right.

I nod slightly and I walk silently beside him as we both hold hands. His thumb gently strokes my hand as I keep on squeezing his when somebody walks past me. I don't mean to. I literally just tense up because some people we walk by look really shady.

I just need the reassurance that not every human being that I will walk past will try to kill me. That there are actually normal people here that don't plan on hurting me. It's probably because I've lived most of my life in fear of others. And I guess I have carried that through up until now.

We see other couples walk down the path to go back and I smile at them as they smile at me and Connor. Well they seemed quite nice so I thought I would be polite and smile back. Some of them would say a silent hello and Connor would say hi back. I would just smile, not wanting to speak.

He stops walking and I stop too. I look around and my eyes widen at the view. I was too busy being trapped in my own thoughts that I never really took in my surrounding.

We stand their silently as I take in the view. I can see the sea and then the city in the distance. It's gorgeous. The sea is sparkly because of the sun and it is a bright blue. It kind of reminds me of Troye's eyes.

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