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Shay's dreaded party was tonight, and despite how he acted, he was turning twenty-four. My motivation to get ready wasn't quite there, so I was taking my sweet time preparing, even though I was supposed to be there at a certain time.

I was supposed to be matching with him, but if I was forced to go, I'd be wearing whatever I wanted.

My goal of looking good was still a priority, especially if Liam was there. And Shay still hated my style, so I had to make sure to throw it in his face.

The party wasn't even for another few hours, so why was I getting so stressed over it?

Krueger ran up to me, sniffing around. 

Having a dog around to keep me company had already made things so much easier. And it's like this dog knew when I needed comfort, because every time my anxiety was becoming an issue, he wouldn't leave my side. 

Sometimes animals just know. 

He jumped on my bed and I sat down beside him. Adopting him was the best decision I've ever made. 

I smiled as he licked my face "Why can't I just stay in with you all night, instead of going to this thing?"

The doorbell rang and he ran to the front door, while I groaned from not wanting to move. 

When I opened the front door, I was surprised to see Liam there, but Liam was more surprised to have a massive dog jump on him.

He stumbled back "New roommate?"

I smiled "Liam, meet Krueger"

"Krueger?" he asked, giving me a look.

"It was already his name" I laughed "I consider it fate" I looked at Krueger "Krueger, sit!"

Kruger got off of Liam and sat down beside me.

"Are you dog sitting or something?"

"No, he's mine" I closed the front door and watched Krueger jump onto the couch "What are you doing here?"

"I need to talk to you; I know things have been weird lately, but we need to talk"

"Okay, what do we need to speak about?"

"Why are you still with Shay?" he sighed "I mean, it seemed like after we kissed that whole relationship was going to end. You even said you didn't want to be with him"

"It's difficult"

He frowned "Did the kiss not mean anything? I know it meant everything to me"

I sighed "Liam, I can't deal with this right now. I have to get ready for the party soon"

"Right, Shay's birthday party" he nodded "He invited me"

"I know"

"If you don't want me there, I won't go"

I shook my head "I want you there"

"Gracie, I can't help but get the feeling that you're lying to me about something"

"Why do you say that?"

He stepped closer to me "I know you, and you just don't seem like yourself when you're around Shay" he took my hand "It's not like how you are with me"

"I'm not like that with anyone but you"

"Which is why I have this weird feeling about it all, but if you're happy with Shay"

What was I supposed to say to that? I'm not happy with Liam, but I don't want him thinking that I am.

"Shay and I are different when we're alone"

"So you aren't miserable like you are when out in public with him?"

"It's complicated"

He groaned "What is so complicated about it? You're acting like you can't give me a straight answer when it comes to him"

"I know, but I don't know what to say"

"Does he treat you the same way I do?"


"Does he touch you the way I used to touch you?" he said, getting closer.

I swallowed "Liam, what are you doing?"

As much as I loved being this close to him, I couldn't let anything to happen until Shay has been dealt with. 

But man, did it give me chills to hear him ask that, because I don't think anyone could touch me the way Liam did. 

"What about feelings, does he make you feel the way I used to, and still could?" he asked. I could feel his breath against me, and it was making me breathe faster.

I closed my eyes, letting his words sink in. My imagination was running wild and I didn't want to imagine any of it anymore.

He looked at me "There's no way he could satisfy your needs" he ran his hand from my cheek to my neck, tracing slowly.

"You're being rather bold, Liam"

"You're what I want, Gracie. I know deep down you know that I'm what you want" he smiled "Shay isn't the man for you"

Who said he was a man?

"So what's your plan, drive me crazy until I can't take it anymore?"

He smirked "Am I driving you crazy right now?"

Yes, oh god, yes "No"

"That's fine, I have time"

As long as he was willing to wait, I'd run straight into his arms the moment all this bullshit is over. 

He kissed my forehead, sweetly, before walking back to the front door "I'll see you tonight"

"You're going?"

He nodded "And I can't wait to see what you're wearing"

After he left, I locked the door and pressed my back to it.

Krueger barked.

"Don't look at me like that" I said, taking out my phone and calling Darren.

"I was just about to call you" he answered.

I shook my head "Hopefully with good news"

"Simon is going to be at Shay's party tonight, so I will distract Phil while you talk to him"

I grinned "Thank you so much, Darren"

"I'll see you tonight, Gracie"

I hung up and went back to my room, going through the newest dresses that I had bought, when I suddenly smiled. Phil was going to be there as well, and this would be perfect to show him that my body is fine just the way it is.

Paparazzi would be sure to get a ton of pictures, and Shay won't want to be seen around me, because this will really push it. And then Phil will either eat his words or be pissed, either way it's a win.

I stripped down to nothing and pulled the dress over my body, laughing to myself because everyone would be well aware that I had nothing on under this dress.

Who cares what Phil's comments were towards my appearance, I looked beautiful, and if I was happy with my appearance at the end of the day, then that's all that mattered. 

Enjoy tonight, Shay, because tomorrow everything is changing. 

Can We Fall One More Time? (Sequel To Gotta Be You)Where stories live. Discover now