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Liam's POV

I quickly ran up to Darren's room, with Krueger following after me. I hated hearing him cry like this. 

Gracie had to stay late at the studio, and wouldn't be back for at least another hour.

I went up to Darren's crib, picking him up and rocking him in my arms "Shh; daddy's here" I hated seeing him like this, it hurt me in ways I didn't think were possible.

We had gone to the doctor two days ago, when Darren's fever got worse and he had an awful cough. We took him to his pediatrician, and we were told that he was getting a cold. 

I kept rocking him back and forth and then placed him on the changing table, clearing out the mucus in his nose, which he hated.

"I know, Darren" I said, wiping his nose. After hearing how congested he sounded, I turned the humidifier on. 

He kept crying, so I placed him on he crib once more.

"Daddy will be right back, Darren" I said, not wanting to leave him. I hurried downstairs, needing to get his sippy cup filled with his Pedialyte, so that he wouldn't get dehydrated. 

I placed it on the counter, trying to get the bottle open, but as soon as I did, I accidentally knocked over the container.

"No!" I shouted, watching it spill all over the papers and counter. "Dammit!"

Darren screamed upstairs, breaking my heart. 

I groaned, rushing upstairs once more. I got his coat on, because it was raining badly outside and I didn't want to make his cold worse. 

"Come on, Darren" I said, softly, as I walked downstairs.

I grabbed my keys from the coffee table and hurried out the door, trying to get him in the car as quickly as I could.

Making sure he was hydrated was so important, since he wasn't drinking the formula. 

I just hoped the store would have it. 

I got Darren in the car, trying to not let the rain hit him. I got him in his car seat, locking him in and then running to the driver's seat, while Darren continued crying.

"I know, I know" I said, starting the car and driving the car.

I put the windshield wipers on, trying to help my view through the rain. 

Darren continued crying, making me upset, while I searched for an open store.

"Darren please" I pleaded, trying to focus on the road.

I hated seeing and hearing him in pain, feeling powerless to fixing it. As a father, all I could do was help to the best of my ability, but with little to do, it made me feel like a failure as a father.

I was aware that the whole situation was out of my control, but the feeling of that guilt still hurt me, to the point where I wanted to cry as well. However I had to stay strong.

We finally reached one that was open for another hour. I parked the car to the best of my ability and ran around to Darren's door, opening it and getting him out, while he continued to cry.

I looked around, feeling the rain hit harder, so I pressed him against my chest and covered him with my own coat. 

I didn't have much control, but I wasn't going to let this rain make it worse.

I entered the store, soaked and breathing hard, while Darren cried.

People stared at the two of us, while I rushed down an aisle, looking for the Pedialyte. This time, I'd get more than one just in case I fuck up again. 

After grabbing them and rushing to check out, I steadily kept Darren in my left arm, while I used my other hand to get my wallet in my back pocket, all while Darren was against my chest, crying. 

"It's okay, we're going back home" I put him back in his car seat and got in the driver's seat once more, placing the bags next to me in the passenger seat "We'll be home soon, Darren"

I started the car and started driving back home, making the windshield wipers quicker, because of the rain.

Once arriving home, I placed him in his swing, while I got his bottle ready. 

I gave it to him, but he didn't want to take it, so I picked him up and helped him take it.

It took a few moments, but eventually he accepted it, still crying once and a while, but soon calming down. I carried him into our room, after grabbing the humidifier from his. 

I placed Darren on our bed, while he drank from his sippy cup.

I didn't want to leave him alone tonight, so he would stay in here with me.

I set up the humidifier on the bedside table next to my side of the bed.

I laid down on the bed, placing Darren on my chest, while he yawned and nuzzled his head against me. I sighed, glad that the crying had stopped and he was starting to calm down. 

Krueger jumped on the bed and rested his head on my legs. 

I rubbed Darren's back, glad that he was getting the help he needed. I closed my eyes, once he was asleep and feeling him breathing on my chest.

Being a father wasn't as easy as I was hoping it would be. I knew it would be difficult, but not like this.

I kissed the top of his head, hoping he would stay asleep.

I moved over a little, carefully and placed the blanket over both of us, not wanting him to get cold.

As he slept, he wrapped his small hand around my index finger. 

Our breathing became in sync and I was so happy that he was sleeping peacefully.

I slowly closed my eyes, falling asleep with him on my chest and enjoying this moment, because we were both exhausted and needed the sleep.

Can We Fall One More Time? (Sequel To Gotta Be You)Where stories live. Discover now