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Liam and I were seated on the train, on our way to France. I thought the idea of marrying in France was a little cheesy;  Liam insisted that since he gave me my promise ring in France, he wanted to carry out that promise in France.

I had my head rested on Liam's shoulder, while he traced small circles on my hand with his thumb "Are you excited?" he asked, letting out a yawn.

"Yes; I think it'll be fun to experience love in France once more, despite how cheesy it is"

He chuckled "You can deny your love of cliché things all you want, but I know that secretly you love the idea of them and how they make you feel"

I shook my head "That may be what you think, but you're clearly delusional"

"Whatever you say, darling" he said, smirking at me. 

I sat up more and stretched my shoulders back, letting out a yawn. 

"Why are we so tired?" he asked, laughing.

I shrugged "Hell if I know. Maybe we're grown ups"

He had a shocked expression on his face "Take it back"


"Take it back! Take it back now!" he said, moving closer to me.

"Nope, I don't think I will. We have a kid now and we're getting married soon. We are not kids anymore" 

He pouted his lips "It happened so fast"

I lightly patted his shoulders "There, there"

I nodded and took a deep breath "Darren will never know this pain! I'll make sure of it!"

"Shush, we're not the only passengers on this ride"

He chuckled "Oops"

I shook my head "You're something else"

He nodded "I know"

"Are we going to be staying in Paris?"

"No, some place a bit more rural" he answered.

I smiled "Will there be a nice hotel, like last time?"



He smiled "It's perfect"

I sat back "I just can't believe that tomorrow we'll be married"

"We'll finally get to be husband and wife" he said, taking my hand "It's about damn time"

"You do realize that at that point, you won't be able to get rid of me"

"Damn; maybe I should rethink this then"

I playfully hit him "You're the worst"

"I am, but that's your problem now isn't it?"

I shook my head "As long as you realize that I'm your problem as well"

"As long as it's for life, then I assure you that I can manage"

"You can manage me?" I smirked.

He smiled "In more ways than one"

"No being naughty in public"

He chuckled "But it's so fun" he leaned in close and kissed my neck "We should probably test out this hotel bed before we tomorrow"

"Oh should we?"

"Yeah, give it a good test run to work out the kinks"

I raised my eyebrow "Kinks you say?"

Can We Fall One More Time? (Sequel To Gotta Be You)Where stories live. Discover now