Playing Hard to Get (A Sweet Pea Imagine)

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I snap out of my gaze and roll my eyes. I look back at the teacher and cross my arms.

"Do you have anything you would like to share about yourself?" He asks.

"Yes. As a matter of fact, I do. First thing, don't cross me. Second thing, don't mess with my mother. Follow those things and we'll be just fine." I state.

"Oh Yeah?.. and what if we do both of those things?" The raven haired boy taunts.

"Then you would face the wrath of Y/N Y/L/N. You may laugh now, but you won't be laughing when I slap you across the face." I sass.

"I like them feisty." He taunts.

"Oh, baby, I'm feisty on a whole other level." I say.

He glares at me with the a glint of amusement in his eyes. I glare at him in the same manner. Our little session is interrupted by the teacher clearing his throat.

"Well then, thank you for sharing. You can take your seat."

I comply and take out a pencil and notepad.
I hear a creaking of a chair next to me. I could see the same raven haired boys in the corner of my eye.

"Um. What do you think you're doing?" He asks.

"It's called being studious. You should try it sometime." I say still not looking at him.

"Ahh. So you're a nerd." He taunts.

"Um, correction: I'm a geek. There is a difference." I correct.

I finally look over at him and he licks his lips in a torturously slow manner. It actually makes me wonder what other wonders he can do with this lips.

"Okay, geek. We don't 'study' here." He states.

"Mmm. That's sound like a you problem." I sass.

He laughs at my statement and asks:

"So what's a smart, witty, attractive girl like yourself doing in a place like this."

"That's for me to know." I say.

"And for me to find out?" He finishes.

"Nope. Just for me to know."

"I like you." He states.

"I know. I get that a lot." I say flipping my ponytail over my shoulder.

He places one hand on the back of my seat and the other on my desk. He cages me in and I can feel the heat radiating off of his body. A heat that I crave on my body. I lean back into my chair and feel his muscular hand on my back. I softly gasp and I look at him. His lustful eyes examine me. I take a moment to look at his plump, dark pink lips, his tan scar on the right side of his face as well as his Serpent tattoo on the left side of his neck.

On my way to lunch, I was pulled into a closet and pressed against the shelf.

"What hell are you-"

A pair of soft, plump lips collides with mine. I cut the kiss short to see the same raven haired boy in my Math class.

"Dude, what the hell are you doing?" I say.

"What do you mean, I thought-"

"What are you doing pretending that you're the dominant one?" I interrupt.

His eyes are daring and he steps closer to me.

"Damn straight, I'm going to be the dominant one."

"Listen, bad boy... if this friends-with-benefits thing is going to last. You have to submit to me." I say running my hands down his well toned chest.

With that, I push him off of me and press his body against the shelf. He groans and press my lips to his. His hands instantly find my hair and he pulls out my hair tie. My hair flows passed my shoulders. He licks his lips at the sight of me. I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist. His hands find their place on my inner thighs.

I hum against his lips and I run my fingers through his soft, raven black hair. He grind his semi-hard member against my core. I moan out and his lips attack my neck.

** Five months later:

Sweet Pea and I were like rabbits; banging each other on every piece of furniture in every single room. The couch, the kitchen table, the kitchen floor, the living room floor, on his bed, on my bed, against the wall... There are countless places and positions.

On the contrary, my mother-bless her soul- thinks that him and I are 'study buddies'. She thinks that when I come home late at night, it's because him and I we were playing video games.

Nope, sorry Mama, this isn't the case.

Currently, Sweet Pea is pulling my hair back as he takes me from behind. My walls clench around him and he pulls out to cum on my back. The warm liquid trickles down my back. He lets go of my hair and I collapse onto his bed. My hair sticks to the sweat on my forehead and my heart pounds against my ribcage. My nerves tingle from my waist down.

My body slumps in exhaustion. His body collapses next to me and he pulls me to his chest. He presses a kiss behind my ear and says:

"You drive me crazy."

"I know I do." I say.

He flips me over so I could face him. He tucks a curl behind my ear and looks at me adoringly.

Uh-oh. I fear this would happen. You hang around a guy too much and they get attached.... and I don't want to get attached.

I regain feeling in my legs and hop out of bed with the covers wrapped around my bare body.

"Y/N." He states.

I look over my shoulder and say:


"I've been thinking.... about us... there should be an 'us'." He states.

"Sweet Pea. Don't." I say.

He slips on his boxers and walks to me.

"Why the hell not?" He asks.

"You know how I feel about relationships." I defend.

"What happened between you and that douche shouldn't dictate who you date." He states.

"I can treat you better than he ever did, baby. I can treat you like the Queen you really are." He adds.

He cups my cheeks and presses his forehead to mine.

"I'm sick of keeping us secret, from my parents, your mom, our friends... I want to show everyone that you are mine." He says.

"Baby, please say something."

"I..." I trail off.

"That sounds like a nice thought." I finally say.

His chest falls as he releases a breathe he didn't  know he held.

"Just... don't hurt me, okay?" I say looking up into his adorable, chocolate brown eyes.

"You make me happy, Y/N Y/L/N." He admits.

"And you make me feel alive, Sweet Pea." I admit.

He leans into pulls me into a slow and passionate kiss.

Multifandom!!! (Book 1) {CLOSED}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat