Farmer's Market ~ Kip Moore

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I stepped out of the truck and grabbed my basket before meeting Kip around the front of the truck. He smiled at me, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. We walked together to all the tents and stalls. The market was crowded, but I wasn't about to leave before buying all my vegetables and maybe some of that homemade fudge that Miss Ella sells. I rubbed my protruding belly and smiled. We love that fudge. I felt eyes on me, so I turned to face Kip as he smiled down at me. "What?"

He shook his head and put his free hand on my stomach, "You're really beautiful. You know that?" I rolled my eyes and he only laughed. As Kip and I walked along I heard a very quiet, but very excited 'Oh my God.' I turned my head to see a young woman and an older man staring at Kip and me. The man looked confused while the woman was trying to seem calm. I turned back around as Kip led me over to one of the stalls. I became engrossed in peaches when I heard someone come up behind us and then Kip's voice, "Hello."

I turned to see the woman from before, smiling at my husband, "I'm really sorry to bother you, but I am a huge fan." Kip smiled at her and she twirled her hair nervously, "Would you mind if..." She held her phone up and Kip nodded. She grinned and passed her phone to the man who was with her. Kip put his arm around her shoulder and they both smiled for the picture. Once they had taken the photo he started talking to the woman about his music and I smiled. He was so good with his fans. I let my eyes wander over the market and Kip continued his conversation. My eyes caught something bright and green, "Sugar snap peas." I glided over to the stall and started inspecting the produce. I picked a sugar snap pea up and popped it into my mouth. It was probably the best sugar snap pea that I had ever tasted, so I tried another. I hadn't ventured too far from Kip, so I could still hear him.

"What happened to my wife."

Before I could call over to him I heard the woman speak, "Oh, she's over there." I grabbed another pea and tossed it into my mouth. Kip thanked her and then he was next to me.

I turned to him with a wide smile, "Babe, we have to buy these." I held up the container of peas, "And not just because I already ate three of them." Kip chuckled. "They're really good." He grabbed the container from me and got the attention of the man running the booth.

"Anything else?" As Kip opened his mouth to answer, I scanned the booth.

"Oh! Blueberries." The man chuckled and Kip grabbed some blueberries before putting both containers in our basket and then paying the vendor. I smiled and leaned up to place a kiss on his lips.

After pulling away, Kip grinned down at me and grabbed my hand, "Come on, baby, let's get some fudge."

I giggled as we walked together, "You read my mind."

Sorry for not updating, but I've been really busy with school work. I'm going to attempt to get my requests done before the end of the weekend. Thanks for reading!

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