First Snowfall ~ Josh Turner

402 13 4

Requested by _meagananderson_

"Baby..." I reached up with a lazy hand and swiped at my cheek, knocking whatever was on my skin away. Turning over, I sighed into my pillow and kept my eyes closed. "Hey, Meagan..." something was touching the back of my head now and I groaned. I heard someone chuckling as I pressed my face into the pillow.

"I swear, if you don't stop right now, I'm gonna slap you." My voice was laced with sleep and I'm not sure how much of my speech my attacker caught. Apparently none of it because he started tapping the back of my head again. Swinging my arm back, I groaned, "I hate you. I'm trying to sleep."

Josh chuckled again, "Come on, you're gonna want to see this." I huffed, but decided to entertain Josh's notions, hoping it would get him to leave me alone.

Sitting up, I finally opened my eyes, "What?" Josh grinned and I felt my own smile creeping up.

"Come look." Josh grabbed both my hands and pulled my reluctant body out of the comfort of my warm blankets. I hissed as my bare feet hit the cold floor. Despite dragging my feet, Josh was able to pull me over to the window. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I gazed out into our front yard to see almost half a foot of snow covering the ground. Josh was staring at me, an excited look gracing his features, waiting for my reaction.

I gave him an unimpressed look, "Okay?" Josh's smile dropped and his brows furrowed. He opened his mouth to say something, but stopped when he saw my smirk. He smirked back and I laughed, "Meet ya outside." I ran back towards the bed, jumped over it and threw myself into my closet. I heard Josh's heavy footsteps go to his own closet. I pulled on my snow pants and boots as quickly as I could, lacing them up tightly before grabbing a sweater and my coat. Stumbling out of the closet, I pulled the sweater over my head and threw my coat around myself. From the corner of my eye, I could see Josh pulling his boots on and I gave a small victory dance as I darted from the room and flew down the stairs. My hat and gloves were next to the door and I grabbed them as I ran from the house, into the crisp air. I sucked in a big breath and danced through the snow just as Josh came running into the yard. I pointed at him, "Ha!" He waved me off, but I wasn't going to let him forget that I had won our traditional competition. "And the first snow of the season goes to me!" I danced around as he glared at me.

"You finished?"

I stopped, "Hang on." I took a few steps forward and did a cartwheel in the fresh snow. "I'm done now." And then there was snow in my face and I froze, not sure what to do. Josh was practically on the ground, laughing at me. Snapping out of my confused state, I glared at my boyfriend, "You did not just throw a snowball at me." Josh grinned as I bent down to grab some snow, "Because you know that if you did then you have unleashed my fury." I rolled the snow into a tight ball, "And I will rain that fury down on you in the form of snowballs."

Josh smirked, "Bring it on, baby." I launched the snowball at him, but he ducked and started to run away. I grabbed more snow and chased him down, launching a handful of snow at the back of his head. My projectile hit its target and Josh yelped in surprise. I laughed and grabbed more snow, forming as many snowballs as I could in as little time as possible. Josh had turned and was now running back towards me. I grabbed my ammo and started throwing them at him. He was able to dodge a few, but he couldn't avoid them all. My last snowball hit Josh square in the face, stunning him for only a second before he grabbed me around the waist and lifted me into the air. I laughed as he spun around and fell into a snow bank, bringing me with him. It was quiet for a minute as Josh held me close to him and stared into my eyes. I smiled as he leaned down to place his lips over mine. I kissed back before pulling away and throwing snow over Josh's head. He groaned as I broke free and took off towards the backyard. Josh was on his feet in no time and chasing after me, our laughter ringing through the crisp winter air.

So guess what! I took my last final the other day and now my semester is over and I have an entire month to relax!!! And I will be using that time to write all my requests. I have a lot of them, so I have actually closed requests for the time being. I will reopen them when I get the ones that I have done. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this one. I got the first snowfall like a week ago and I threw a snowball at my aunt. It was fun.

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