This is Really Weird, But... ~ Kip Moore

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It was the second day in my new apartment and I was still unpacking the kitchen. I'm one person, how do I have this many dishes? I sighed and continued to empty boxes out on the counters and throw stuff into the cabinets. At this rate I was never going to be done. I sighed again and rested my head on the counter. And that's when I saw it. It was huge and black and right in front of my face. I jumped back and stared at the eight creepy legs that had taken residence on my kitchen counter. What do I do? I shifted my weight from one foot to the other and shook my hands out. Oh, what do I do? Suddenly the eight legs darted towards me and I panicked. I squealed and ran out the door, not caring enough to close it behind me. I jumped around the hallway for a minute, completely disgusted and trying to calm myself before I just darted to the first door I saw. I composed myself quickly and knocked, hoping I didn't look too crazy. A man opened the door and smiled at me, "Hey."

I nodded and tried to keep the pained expression off my face, "Hi. I just moved in across the hall," I jammed my thumb in the direction of my wide open door, "And this is really weird, but there's a spider in my apartment and I'm really scared of spiders. Would you be able to help me out?" I rubbed the back of my neck as I could feel my face heating up. The man chuckled and I could feel my face grow hotter.

"That would be no problem."

I sighed in relief and turned back to my apartment, "Thank you so much..."

He stuck his hand out, "Kip."

I grasped his large hand in mine, "Penelope." We entered my apartment and I stuck close to the wall causing Kip to chuckle again. I pointed to the kitchen, "It was on the counter." He nodded and moved closer, laughing when he saw the demon spider.

"This little thing scared you?" He grabbed a tissue and squished the bug. I sighed in relief.

"Thanks again."

He nodded as he walked back over to me, "No problem." We stood in silence for a minute before Kip rubbed the back of his neck, "So listen, maybe when you're done unpacking, we could go for coffee or something? I can show you the neighborhood."

I nodded and led him to my door, "I'd like that."

He smiled down at me, "Good." He was out in the hall, but he was staring at me as I leaned against the doorframe.

I leaned up and kissed his cheek, "Thanks."

He smirked, "Call me anytime you need a spider killed."

I'm getting close to the 100th imagine and I'm trying to think of what I'm going to do for it. Anyway, thanks for reading. I'm hoping to have two more imagines up tomorrow, but I have to work all day, so we'll see.

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