Jitters ~ Kane Brown ~ Part 2

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Requested by BeccaaJohnson

Kane and I had been married for a year and it had been total bliss. Obviously we had a few arguments here and there, but things were going really well in the big picture. So well in fact that we were currently on our way to the doctor's office for my 20 week ultrasound. As we pulled into a parking spot, Kane rushed out of his seat and over to my side of the car. He pulled the door open and held his hand out to me. I giggled as he helped me out of my seat and then wrapped an arm around my waist, holding tightly. Shaking my head, I smirked up at my husband, "Relax. No need to be so jittery."

His grip loosened as he chuckled, "I'm not jittery. I'm just making sure you and the baby are okay." Kane placed his hand on my stomach and I smiled. We walked into the waiting room and sat in two empty chairs, waiting to be called in to the exam room. As we waited, Kane ran his hand over my stomach and played with my hair.

"Mrs. Brown?" I stood up and followed the nurse down the hall and into one of the rooms, Kane trailing behind me. As she ushered is into the room, she smiled, "Put on that gown and make yourself comfortable. The technician will be right in." I nodded and grabbed the gown, slipping off my own dress and replacing it with the thin fabric that the nurse had pointed to. Kane helped me onto the exam table and pulled a chair up next to me. He grabbed my hand and interlaced our fingers, smiling up at me as he did.

The technician came in and smiled at us, "Mrs. and Mr. Brown, how are you doing today?" She sat on her stool and rolled over to the table with a blanket in her hand.

I smiled, "We're doing really well."

She nodded and placed the blanket on my lap, "That's good to hear. Excited?"

Kane nodded, "Very." She chuckled as she pulled the gown up so that my stomach was completely exposed.

She held a container of gel over my stomach, "Now this is going to feel a little bit cold." She squeezed some gel onto my skin and I shivered. Kane's grip tightened on mine and I sent him a reassuring smile. The technician grabbed the sonogram wand and spread the gel over my stomach. Kane and I held our breaths as she stared at the screen, "Hm."

I panicked, "Hm? What's that mean? What's wrong?"

She looked at me and smiled, "Nothing is wrong. It looks to me like you're having twins." I stopped breathing and was vaguely aware of Kane's huge intake of breath. The technician looked back at the screen and moved the wand a bit more, "A boy," she pointed to the screen, "and a girl." She smiled over at us, "Congratulations." She pulled the wand away and returned it to the cart. Then she started the clean the gel from my skin, "I've taken a few pictures and you can get the video on a DVD, if you like." She kept talking, but I didn't hear a thing. Twins. I snapped back to reality as she patted my knee, "Everything looks good, so I'll let you get changed and then you two are all set." I nodded as she exited the room. Kane kept his grip on my hand as I made no move to get up and get changed. 

"Twins?" Kane nodded and I sucked in a breath, "As in two babies?" He nodded again and I started to hyperventilate. "This can't be happening. We were only supposed to have one." My head whipped to the side to stare at him, "How are we going to handle two babies?" I'm sure I looked crazy, but I didn't care. I had every right to be freaking out right now. Kane's hands came up to my cheeks as he softly shushed me.

"Baby, you need to relax. We're gonna be okay. We can do this." I nodded as I attempted to get my breathing under control. Kane smiled, "You are going to be an amazing mother and we are going to have a beautiful family, I promise you that." I nodded again as he pressed his lips to my forehead. 


Kane smirked at me, "There's no need to be so jittery." I glared at him and smacked his chest as he laughed. He pulled me closer and placed another kiss to my temple. We could do this.

Oh man I hated that ending. But I hope you like it! Thanks for sending in requests. Once I opened them, I got a bunch of messages. Y'all are crazy. I love it. Thanks for reading!! Side note: I feel like my writing has gotten kind of lazy, so I'm trying to be better. Requests are still open, so feel free to send them in. Thanks again!

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