Blackout ~ Dustin Lynch

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Requested by Lynch85

Our original plan was to go out to dinner and a movie, but the raging thunderstorm canceled that. Instead we opted to stay in and have dinner while watching a movie. The rain outside seemed to be pouring down harder than it had before and the rolls of thunder were becoming more frequent. I cuddled further into Dustin's side as the movie continued playing on the screen. Things were just about to blow up in the story when the screen, along with the entire room, went black. Dustin and I sat in stunned silence for a second before he cursed under his breath. He carefully untangled our limbs and jumped to his feet. "Be careful, babe." He waved me off, but cursed again when he bumped into the coffee table. I giggled quietly as he made it around the table and over to the window.

I could just make out his head turning to look up and down the street, "Looks like it's the whole neighborhood." With a sigh, I stepped off the couch and started to slowly make my way to the kitchen.

"We have some candles in the kitchen." I slid my feet along the wood floors, feeling for furniture and Dustin's boots, which I know were lying around here somewhere. I made it to the kitchen without incident and quickly located the candles. "Found them."

Dustin moved around the living room, "Great! I've got some matches. Hang on." I set the candles on the counter and listened as Dustin bumped into the coffee table again. He sighed in frustration, but continued his journey to the kitchen. He cursed out loud as I heard a loud thud.

"Are you okay?"

He grumbled, "I tripped over my boots."

I rolled my eyes, "I told you to put them away."

Dustin finally made it to the kitchen, "Yeah, Yeah." His hand landed on my waist as he stepped up next to me, the matches in his other hand. He held them out to me and I took them, laying a kiss on his cheek.

"Thanks." Striking a match, I watched the glow light up the room. Dustin's other hand came to rest on my waist and as I lit both candles, his hands moved up and down my sides.

"This is kind of romantic." I looked back to see his smile lit up by the candlelight.

Shaking my head, I grabbed one of the candles and started to make my way back into the living room, "Oh yeah, blackouts are super romantic." Dustin followed behind me, the other candle in his hands.

"Hey." We sat on the couch, putting the candles on the table in front of us, "This is very romantic." He gestured to the candles, "A romantic candlelight glow," he pulled his phone from his pocket, "romantic music." He pressed play and soft music filtered from the speakers. He placed the phone on the table and then moved to cup my cheek with his hand, "And some romantic kissing." He leaned forward, pressing his lips to mine. I kissed back for a second before pulling away.

I stayed close to him, my lips brushing his as I spoke, "Yeah, you're right. This is pretty romantic." He smiled and then his lips were on mine again.

Sorry about the delay in updating. Hope you enjoy this one! Thanks for reading!

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