Webcam Malfunction ~ Kane Brown

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Requested by JennaGregory4

I hissed in pain as I eased myself onto the couch, wishing I could take more of the pain medication that the doctor prescribed, but he stressed that I could only take it every six hours and it had only been three. He said I was lucky and the damage could have been worse. I guess I agreed. I mean I didn't have any broken bones, just some stitches, some bruises, and a busted lip. I was caught in a place where I wished Kane was here to cuddle me and where I was glad that he wasn't because he would be so worried. He'd be pissed too and would make a bigger deal with the insurance company and potentially a lawyer about the guy that hit my car. I really didn't need that right now. I pulled my laptop over and started it up. I had every intention of getting some work done, but as soon as everything was running, I received a Skype call. I looked at the name and cursed under my breath. Kane. I couldn't let him see me like this. As much as I didn't need him blowing everything out of proportion, he didn't need to be worrying about me while he was halfway across the country, getting ready to play a show tonight. I answered the call, but I don't let the app connect to the webcam. I saw Kane's beaming face, but all he saw was a black screen. "Hey, babe!" He must have noticed my lack of appearance because he frowned and his eyebrows furrowed, "Wait, where are you?" He moved closer to the screen and I panicked. What would I say?

"What do you mean?" Nice one. Pretend that you have no idea what's going on.

"I mean I'm staring at a black screen. Why don't I see your beautiful face?"

I grimaced, "You don't?"

Kane shook his head, "No."

"That's weird. Something must be wrong with the webcam." I tapped the side of the screen a bit to try to convince Kane that I had no idea what was wrong. "I'll take it to get looked at tomorrow." Kane's frown deepened and I knew I had to distract him. "So how's the tour going?" I don't think he bought my fake enthusiasm.

"It's good. A lot of fun, but I miss you."

I smiled, "I miss you too." It was silent for a minute and I could see Kane thinking.

"Babe, seriously, tell me what's going on."

My breath hitched and I could feel my heart beating fast, "Nothing's going on."

"Then why won't you turn your webcam on?"

"I told you, it's..."

Kane shook his head, "It's not broken. Just tell me what's wrong." I tried to think of something, anything to get Kane to drop this. Nothing came to me and I sighed.

"If I show you, you have to promise not to freak out." I saw Kane take a shaky breath and pinch the bridge of his nose.

"You're really scaring me."

"Just promise." He sighed, but nodded. I took a deep breath and switched the camera on. My battered face was projected on the screen and I could see Kane's body tense as his eyes widened and he clenched his fists. He started firing questions a mile a minute and it took all I had just to keep up with what he was saying. I couldn't find a lapse in his questions to answer any of them, so I waited for him to be done freaking out. When Kane finally stopped to take a breath, I stared at him, "You promised."

He shook his head, "How can you expect me not to freak out when my girlfriend shows me her busted lip and stitched forehead?" Of it's own accord, my hand reached up to gently run over the six stitches in my temple.

My voice came out in a whisper, "It's not that bad."

Kane looked at me incredulously, "Not that bad? What even happened?"

I sighed and shrugged, "I was in a minor car accident. The car is fine and I'm fine and I get the stitches taken out in a few weeks."

Kane ran his hand over his face, a sure sign he was frustrated, "I'll kill the guy that did this to you."

I smiled softly, "And that is why I didn't want to tell you. I knew you would blow it out of proportion."

Kane smiled for the first time since we started the call, "You sure you're okay?"

I nodded, "I'm fine. No need to worry about me while you're out there doing your thing."

Kane laughed, "I love you, baby."

"I love you too."

Okay, so I originally had a second Christmas imagine planned, but I couldn't find the inspiration for it, so I scrapped it. I'm back into the requests now. I think I have like 9 or 10 more. Thanks for reading and Happy New Year!!

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