Puppy Love ~ Billy Currington

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It was such a beautiful spring day and I was glad that I had decided to spend some time at the park. I had found an empty bench under a big oak tree and it was proving to be a good spot. It was shady and right across from the duck pond. I had been completely immersed in my book when I heard the barking. I looked up to see a huge lab bounding down the grassy hill, towards me. Before I could react, the dog had jumped on my lap and pawed his way to my face. With his front paws on my shoulders he looked at me for a half a second before his tongue made contact with my face. I squeezed my eyes shut and turned my head a few times, trying to combat the friendly attack. Unfortunately the dog did not let up. In fact, he actually tried to fully climb into my lap. "Hey! Hey, Paco! No!" Suddenly there was no dog in my lap and no tongue on my face. I opened my eyes to see a tall man with curly hair holding back the enthusiastic dog by his collar. Once the dog had calmed, the man looked at me, "I am so sorry, miss. I don't know what got into him. He's usually very well behaved."

I brushed some dirt off my dress, "Oh it's okay. No harm done." I reached over to stroke the dog's head, "Plus this guy is too cute to be mad at."

The man chuckled and held his hand out, "I'm Billy." He gestured to the dog, who was now laying on the ground with his feet up, "This is Paco."

I giggled and rubbed Paco's stomach, "Hello, Paco." I took the man's outstretched hand, "I'm Ella. Nice to meet you." Paco barked and I turned my attention back to him, "I'm sorry. Did I leave you hanging?" He barked again, so I went back to rubbing his belly.

"Is there anyway I can make this up to you." Billy gestured to my dirty dress, "Paco messed up your dress a bit."

I stood up and waved him off, "It's fine, really."

Billy nodded and shoved his hands into his pockets, "Well how about a cup of coffee?"

I tucked my book under my arm and pursed my lips, "I actually don't drink coffee."

"Oh. Right, well, uh Paco and I will just get going then. So sorry again." Billy turned to walk away.

"But I'd love a cup of tea. If you're interested."

He turned back, "Of course." I walked next to Billy and we left the park as Paco walked around our feet, barking happily.

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