Library ~ Kip Moore ~ Part 2

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The librarian glared over at us, but we ignored her. I stared at the man, still smiling, but becoming more nervous by the second. He hadn't said anything yet and I wasn't sure why. I looked at the librarian from the corner of my eye. She gave us one more glare before walking away. I looked back at the man and he held his hand out, "Kip."

I took his hand in my own, "Belle." I let go of his hand and pushed my hair behind my ear.

He smiled again as he leaned against the book shelf, "So did you find what you were looking for?"

I shook my head, "Actually I haven't found anything that looks remotely interesting. What about you?" I glanced at the book that was clutched in his hand. He held it up and I read the title, Wonder.

"I thought this one looked good." I nodded as he held the book out to me. I took it from him and read the summary on the back. This actually looked like an amazing book.

"This looks really good." I held the book out to him, but he shook his head. He looked back down the aisle he had come from, "There was actually two copies." He looked back at me, "You can take that one and I'll grab the other."

I clutched the book to my chest and smiled at him, "Thank you." He smiled in return and I went to walk away, but a hand on my arm stopped me. I looked back at Kip, who wore a small smile.

"Would you want to go out for coffee this weekend? We could discuss the book." He motioned to Wonder and I glanced at it briefly.

I looked back up and smiled, "I'd love that."

And with that I will be officially opening requests again. Check back on the first chapter of this book if you are unsure on how to request. Also, please remember to send them to my inbox. DO NOT comment requests please and thank you.

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