Beach Days and Movie Nights ~ Dustin Lynch

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Requested by countrygirl400

"Hey, are you guys ready to go yet?" I double checked the cooler before closing it. I could hear Kane giggling up stairs and Dustin chasing after him. I laughed to myself and moved to the bottom of the stairs. I called up them, "Hey, we gotta get going." Thundering footsteps could be heard in the hall and soon the were on the stairs. I quickly jumped out of the way as Dustin came barreling toward me with Kane in his arms.

Kane laughed and held his arms out to me, "Momma!" I grinned and took the little boy from Dustin. He wrapped his little arms around my neck and I held him closer.

I laughed when he pulled away, "What's going on with your hat?" Kane shook his head as I adjusted the hat so it sat properly on his head. Then the three of us were off. The ride to the beach was short. Which is always a good thing when you have an excited two year old in the backseat. We unloaded the car quickly when we got to the beach and went to find a good spot. Lucky for us, the beach wasn't too crowded today. When we found a good spot, I unrolled a towel and pulled Lane over to it. Dustin put up the beach umbrella while I put sunscreen on a squirming two year old.

Kane tried to escape from my grip while pointed out at the ocean, "Water, momma! I wanna go in water."

I applied the last of the sunscreen, "Okay, but we gotta wait for daddy." Dustin had taken off his that and shirt and was now stood waiting for me. I stood up and put sunscreen on his back for him. Once everyone was fully protected from the sun, Dustin and I took Kane's hands and started walking to the water. Kane laughed the whole way and tried with all his might to pull us along faster. When we reached the water, Kane let go of my hand and went running forward. Dustin grabbed his hand once again and the two went splashing in the water. Kane was laughing as he splashed water at Dustin. I stood a few feet back, watching my two boys. I was broken from reverie as water made contact with my stomach and chest. I gasped, "Oh no you didn't." I ran at Dustin and pushed him into the waves.

Kane laughed, "Yay, momma!" I smiled and picked him up, spinning around a few times before I felt water hit my back. Dustin was up and was not about to let me win. I put Kane down and the two of us kicked water at Dustin.

Dustin tried to shield his face, "Kane! I thought you were on my team, buddy!"

Kane laughed, "No! Momma's team!" I could hear Dustin gasp in disbelief and I laughed. Dustin ran through the water and picked Kane up.

Kane screeched and Dustin laughed evilly, "Haha! Now I've captured you!"

Kane squirmed, "Momma! Help me!"

I ran after Dustin, who had started to walk away, "I'll save ya, baby!" Dustin noticed that I was gaining on him and moved a little faster. Once I was close enough, Dustin stopped.

"Alright, Kane, get ready. I'm throwing you out into the ocean!" Dustin started swinging Kane back and forth, "One! Two!" Kane laughed and Dustin turned to me, "Three!" He gently tossed Kane into my arms.

Kane opened his eyes and looked at me, "Momma saved me!"

I kissed his forehead, "Yes I did." Kane turned and stuck his tongue out at Dustin. I laughed as Dustin's mouth dropped open in shock. Kane laughed once before jumping from my arms back to Dustin's. I put my hands on my hips, "How about lunch?" Kane cheered, so the three of us made our way back to the towel and umbrella. I dried Kane off and reapplied his sunscreen as Dustin got everything out of the cooler. Once Kane was set up with his lunch, I turned to Dustin, "Okay, dry off." He gave me a questioning look, but did as I said. Once he was dry, I started to rub sunscreen on him.

He laughed, "What are you doing?"

"Reapplying." I looked up at him, "Don't want anyone getting sick."

Dustin shook his head with a smile, "I think you just wanted an excuse to touch my body."

I snorted, "Oh yeah. It's all part of my plan." Dustin quickly turned and wrapped his arms around me.

He smirked, "I knew it." Dustin kissed my temple and Kane giggled. Dustin turned to him, "Is that funny?" Kane nodded, his smile growing. Dustin went over to him and picked up Kane's half eaten lunch, "I'll just have to finish this then." Kane gasped and Dustin pretended to eat his food. I sat next to my husband and son and grabbed the food from Dustin's hands. I gave it back to Kane and then gave Dustin his own sandwich. After lunch we built a sandcastle and spent some more time in the water before heading home. Kane had been on the verge of sleeping in his car seat. Dustin smiled over at me, "I think it'll be nap time when we get home.

Kane perked up, "No. Toy Stowy." Dustin groaned, but he nodded.

I set the movie up and then walked back to the couch. I picked Kane up and sat next to Dustin, cuddling up to his side. I put Kane between us and pressed the play button. The three of us sat together and watched the movie. Once the credits rolled, I yawned and looked down at Kane. He was sleeping. I smiled and turned to Dustin, "Doesn't he look so cute?" I sighed when I noticed that Dustin had also fallen asleep. I giggled quietly as I unwrapped myself from Dustin's arm and stood up from the couch. Dustin's now empty arm wrapped around Kane. Kane cuddled into his side and I ran to get the camera. They were still asleep when I returned and I snapped a quick picture. I decided to go get dinner ready and leave the two to sleep. Their snores followed me out of the room and I smiled.

So sorry about the wait. Hope you like it. If not then let me know and I can fix it.

I have a queue of three imagines right now, which I am going to try to get up either today or tomorrow morning, but requests are still open. Send them in and I'll add them to the list. Thanks for reading!!

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