Grocery Shopping ~ Kip Moore

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"I don't see why I had to come with you."

I sighed and grabbed a cart, "Because you eat the food too."

Kip stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my frame, putting his hands over mine on the handle, "Yeah, but I'll eat whatever you buy." He rested his chin on my shoulder.

I smiled and patted the side of his head, "Shut up and let's go." He sighed and backed off. We walked into the store, turned right, and headed for produce. Kip trailed behind me for a minute before going off to God knows where. I pulled my list out and started grabbing everything we needed. After putting a carton of strawberries in the cart, I turned and saw Kip sauntering over with four huge bags of kale in his arms. He threw them into the cart as I stared, "What are you doing?"

He looked down and then back up at me, "I wanted kale."

"Okay, but we don't need that much kale. Take three of those bags back."

"Babe, I like kale."

"No one needs that much kale! Put some of it back." He slowly reached down and grabbed three of the bags, preparing to put them back. I narrowed my eyes and pointed at him, "I see what you're doing. You're acting like an idiot, so I won't drag you to the store with me anymore."

Kip smirked, "I don't know what you're talking about."

I waved a finger at him, "It's not going to work." He chuckled and walked away with the kale. He better not come back here with anything else stupid. Apparently Kip knows what's good for him because he returned a minute later empty handed and we continued down to the cereal aisle. As I was looking at the thousands of boxes, I heard a rustling behind me and turned to see that Kip had climbed into the shopping cart. I laughed, "What are you doing in there?"

He smiled, "Come on, push me."

I arched an eyebrow, "Push you? Okay." I grabbed the cart handle and took a small running start before letting go and sending Kip and the cart flying down the aisle. I covered my mouth, trying and failing to contain my laughter as he maneuvered the cart so that he wouldn't knock a display over. The cart had stopped moving and Kip sat there for a second before turning to me.

He jumped out of the cart, "Oh you're gonna get it now." I ran into the next aisle, Kip hot on my heels. I'm not very fast, so he caught me quickly, wrapping his arms around my waist. He picked me and I squealed as he spun around, laughing. Someone cleared their throat from behind us, causing Kip to put me down. We turned to see a very unhappy store employee. Kip cleared his throat and muttered an apology. The employee was not impressed and she continued to tap her foot as she crossed her arms over her chest. We tried to contain our laughter as we turned and hurried back to where we had left the cart. "We should probably finish shopping and get out of here before they kick us out."

I nodded, "Good plan."

So that's the first one. Hope you guys like it. Feel free to request!

Also, fun fact: I met Kip Moore after one of his shows once and he told me that he liked my hair and I told him that Wild Ones was my favorite album of all time and he shook my hand and asked me my name. And it was the greatest moment of my life.

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