Bowling ~ Kip Moore

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"Where are we going?"

Kip turned to me with a smirk planted in his face, "It's a surprise, babe." I huffed and looked out the car window. I could hear Kip chucking, so I turned and stuck my tongue out at him. He laughed, "If you're done being 5, then it'll interest you to know that we have arrived." Quickly turning to the window again, I saw a huge neon sign of a bowling ball hitting some pins.

I turned back to Kip with raised eyebrows, "Bowling?" He nodded and I looked back at the sign, "I'm terrible at bowling." Kip laughed and got out of the car. Reluctantly, I followed suit. My wonderful boyfriend grabbed my hand as I met him around the car and led me up to the door. We walked inside and Kip went to get a Lane while I looked around. It wasn't too crowded, which was good because that meant less people to embarrass myself in front of.

"Ready?" I jumped as Kip's hand slid into mine, but quickly regained my composure. I nodded and we walked to our lane and changed our shoes. I looked up from my laces as Kip clapped his hands together, "Alright, babe, you're up first." I groaned and walked to the lane. Grabbing a bright pink ball, I set myself up to throw. Taking a deep breath, I swing my arm back and threw the ball forward. It rolled smoothly until about halfway down the lane where it fell into the gutter. With slumped shoulders I walked back to Kip. He smiled, "Maybe you should try a heavier ball. That one is only like 8 pounds."

Laughing, I grabbed the ball, "I'm weak, babe. You should know that." Kip chuckled as I threw another gutter ball. I trudged back to the bench and sat down, "Your turn." Kip went up and ended up knocking all ten pins down in his two throws. We went back and forth for a bit. I was able to knock down a few pins, but I mostly threw gutter balls. Kip was doing amazing. Jerk.

I was lined up for my throw, when I felt hands snake around my waist, "Want some help, babe?" Kip placed his lips on my cheek and I smiled. He stood behind me and ran his hand down my arm until it rested on my hand that held the ball. He guided my hand back, "Okay so release forward and to the side."

I giggled, "I don't want it to go in the gutter."

"It won't. I promise." He kissed my cheek again as we threw the ball forward. It rolled down the lane until it fell into the gutter. Again.

I turned to Kip and crossed my arms over my chest, "You promise, huh?"

He rubbed the back of his neck and smiled sheepishly at me, "Guess I shouldn't have said promise." I nodded and went back to the bench.

It was the tenth frame and I had one chance to knock down some pins. Closing my left eye, I took a step forward and threw the ball. It rolled with purpose, making contact with the front pins. I smiled and watched every single pin fall. Kip ran up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. Picking me up, he spun around, "Good job, babe."

I laughed, "I got a strike?" He nodded and I grinned, "I got a strike!" Kip cheered along with me for a minute before putting me back on my feet. I turned and threw myself at him, capturing his lips with mine. He tangled his hand in my hair.

"Ahem." Kip and I broke apart to see an older woman smiling at us. She motioned to her lane, which we were now in front of.

I blushed as Kip pulled me back, "Sorry." The woman smiled and nodded. We walked back to the bench and started taking off our rental shoes. Kip smiled over at me, "So bowling date every week?"

I laughed, "You wish."

Working my way through the queue. I have not forgotten about your requests! I have them all lined up, so fear not!

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