Apple Slices ~ Kane Brown

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Requested by stheriault

Grabbing another apple, I focused on cutting even wedges and tossing them onto the already overflowing plate. An excited giggle brought my attention to the window, where I could see my daughter running around the yard, her dark hair flying everywhere. My husband chased after her, smiling at her joy. I smiled too, as I picked up the plate and stepped carefully over to the patio door. Sliding it open, I stepped outside and placed the plate on the picnic table. When my daughter caught sight of me, her eyes lit up and she started to run faster towards me.

Kane noticed and tried to grab her, calling out, "Emilie, be careful!" My three year old half listened as she slowed a bit, but ultimately barreled into my legs. I laughed as I scooped her up in my arms, being careful to avoid putting any pressure on my growing bump.

Emilie pressed her small hands on my cheeks and smiled, "Hi, momma."

I smiled back and kissed her nose, "Hi, baby." I carried the young girl over to the picnic table and set her down on the bench, "Are you having fun with daddy?"

She nodded, "Yes! Will you play with us?"

With a sigh, I rubbed my hand over my stomach, "Oh, I don't think your little brother is feeling up to running around today." I winked at her, "Maybe tomorrow." She nodded and smiled, happy with that answer. Kane joined us on the patio, ruffling Emilie's hair and pressing his lips to my temple. I smiled at him, "Having fun?"

Kane shook his head, a grin slipping onto his face, "I'll tell ya what, she has a lot of energy."

I laughed, "Well I guess it's a good thing that she's recharging with apple slices, huh?"

Kane playfully winced, "Oh man." I laughed louder as he reached over and grabbed two large handfuls, "I think I should recharge too then." He began stuffing his face with apple, causing Emilie to scold him.

"Daddy! That's gross."

Kane chewed the apple in his mouth and swallowed before grinning at our daughter, "How so, baby girl?"

She scrunched her nose at him, "Those aren't good manners." She grabbed another apple slice and held it up to show him, "One at a time." Kane leaned down and took a bite from the apple in her hand. She squealed and jumped up, stamping her foot, "Not that one! That one was mine!" I smothered my laughter behind my hand as Kane continued to smile at her.

"Are you sure?" She nodded fervently, but Kane's smile only grew.

Emilie turned to look at me and I nodded towards her father, "Go get him!" I grabbed a handful of apples slices and started throwing them at Kane. He laughed as he tried to dodge my attack while also running away from Emilie.

She chased after him, squealing, "Get him, momma!" I laughed and grabbed more apple slices, continuing to throw them at Kane, leaving small stains on his t-shirt. As Emilie was chasing Kane, he stopped and turned, scooping her up into his arms. He spun her around a few times as I watched on. Rubbing a hand over my belly, I smiled, excited for the day that our son would be here and all of us would play out in the yard. "Momma! Help!" I looked over to see Emilie kicking her feet, trying to squirm away from Kane's kisses.

Moving as quickly as I could, I made my way over to the pair, "I'll save ya, baby!"

I hope this is okay for you. If not then let me know and I can write a new one. Thanks for your patience and I hope everyone enjoys this one.

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