Big Brother ~ Brett Eldredge

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Requested by iloveNiallLoiusnLiam

I unlocked the front door, unable to keep the grin off my face. I was just at the doctor's office and I got the best possible news that I could get. I couldn't wait for Brett to get home so that I could tell him the news. As I walked through the door, Edgar barked at me, jumping up trying to like my face. I pushed him down, laughing, "Get down, silly dog." He wagged his tail and ran around my feet. I smiled and scratched behind his ear as I walked to the couch, thinking about the best way to break the news to Brett. Edgar jumped up on the couch and I pushed him down. What is the best way to tell Brett? Edgar jumped up again and I laughed, "You crazy dog! You're not supposed to be on the couch." I pushed him down again. He stared up at me, his tongue hanging out of his mouth. "Edgar!" He jumped at my shout and I laughed, pulling his face close to me, "Do you wanna help me tell daddy the good news?" Edgar barked, his tail wagging at a crazy speed. I jumped up from the couch and rushed to the dining room, "Come on, we gotta get working if we want to be done before he gets home." Edgar followed me around as I gathered supplies to make the sign that I planned. Once the sign was perfect, I laid it down on the table and went to get dinner started.

Some time later I heard Brett's key in the lock, so I jumped over Edgar and grabbed the sign. I placed it around Edgar's neck, "Okay, go hide!" Edgar barked and ran back to the bedroom just as Brett opened the door.

"Honey, I'm home!" He kicked the door shut with his foot and grinned at me. He looked around, "Where's Edgar?"

I shrugged as I continued stirring the pot of spaghetti, " I don't know. Taking a nap maybe?" Brett nodded as he walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"How was your day?" He kissed my cheek and I smiled, leaning into him.

"Fine." He pulled away and grabbed two plates. I took them from his outstretched hands, "Thank you." I threw some spaghetti and meatballs on the plates and walked them over to the table. Brett and I sat down and started eating.

"Where is that dog? Edgar!" I laughed as Brett called out in near desperation, "Edgar!" But no chocolate lab appeared.

I stifled my laugh, "Edgar!" We heard his claws clicking on the hardwood floor as he ran towards us. The sign around his neck was flapping in the wind and I laughed as Brett looked confused. Edgar bounded up to Brett and sat by his feet.

Brett reached down and rubbed Edgar's head, "Whatcha wearing, buddy?" Edgar barked as Brett picked the sign up so he could read it.

I'm going to be a big brother.

Brett looked up at me, "What? What is this? Renea?! Are you pregnant?" I smiled and nodded, unable to say anything. Suddenly I was in the air and Brett was spinning around, "I can't believe this! This is amazing!" Edgar started barking at all the commotion and Brett set me down on my feet, turning to the dog, "How exciting for you! You're gonna be a big brother." He wrestled with Edgar for a minute before he jumped up and captured my lips with his. Pulling away, I giggled and Brett smiled, "This is the best news ever. I love you." He moved his head down to my stomach, "And I love you too, baby."

What? Two updates in one day? That's crazy! Anyway hope you all enjoyed this one as much as I did. I was torn between two ideas, so I'll probably write the other one some day. Ah who am I kidding? I'll definitely write it one day.

Question of the chapter: Is anyone going to any good shows this summer?

I'm going up to Hunter Mountain for the Taste of Country Music Festival. My mom and I go every year, but this year is so special because Kip Moore and Miranda Lambert are both gonna be there and anyone who knows me knows that I love Kip and Miranda. And then I'm going to see Kip again in July like literally five minutes from my house which is exciting. Anyway, leave your answers in the comments.

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