My Fair Lady ~ Thomas Rhett

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Requested by annaolivia34

"Are we almost there?" I was bouncing in my seat, staring out the window.

Thomas chuckled, "Five minutes." I sighed which only prompted Thomas to chuckle some more. I stuck my tongue out at him and crossed my arms over my chest.

"You just don't get it."

He looked over at me quickly, "Don't get what?"

I stared at him, throwing my hands into the air,  "The county fair is the best part of the summer! It's my favorite thing to go to and I don't like to wait for it."

From the corner of my eye, I could see Thomas shake his head, "Well I guess it's a good thing we're here." My head snapped to the window and sure enough I saw the rides and tents and food stalls. I threw open my door and didn't even bother waiting for Thomas before taking off for the front gate. I could hear gravel crunching behind me and I knew that Thomas was running to catch up to me. Suddenly there were two arms wrapped around my waist and I was being lifted off my feet. I gasped and grabbed the arms, trying to keep myself steady. Thomas laughed as he set me down.

Turning on my heel, I smacked his chest, "Jerk."

He grinned back, "You love me." I shook my head, but grabbed his hand nonetheless. We walked to the gate and after paying the entrance fee we were inside the fair grounds. My eyes lit up at all the colors and people bustling about. Thomas pulled on my hand and we were off. We rode the bumper cars and the Ferris wheel. Then we went on the tilt-a-whirl three times. Thomas grabbed my hand once we had exited the ride, "C'mon, baby, let's get something to eat." I nodded and followed him to one of the food trucks. He ordered two corn dogs and handed one to me. We found an empty picnic table and sat down to eat. "What do you wanna do next?"

I chewed and swallowed the food that was in my mouth before turning, "How about we play some games." He nodded and we finished eating in silence. After throwing away our trash, we made our way over to the row of games.

"Step right up!" My attention turned to a stall that was covered with balloons.

I tugged on Thomas's hand, "Over here, babe." We stepped up to the stand and the man behind the counter smiled at us.

"Try your luck to win the big prize?"

Thomas nodded once, "What's the game?"

The man passed him a BB gun, "Three shots. Gotta hit three balloons."

Thomas handed over some money, "Alright." He held the gun up and took his first shot. He popped a balloon and got ready for his next shot. He missed that time and I giggled. He glared at me before taking his last shot. Miss.

"You suck at this."

He put the gun down and pinched my side, "Oh yeah? And you think you could do better?"

I shook my head, "I know that I could do better."

Thomas handed some money to the guy behind the counter, "Well go on then." I smirked at him and picked up the gun. I took three quick shots, popping a balloon each time.

"We have a winner!" I smirked at Thomas as he stood there, mouth open and eyes wide. I took the huge stuffed bear that the man held out to me.

Laughing I tapped Thomas's chin, "You'll catch flies." He shut his mouth and followed behind me as I walked down the aisle.

"How did you do that?"

I turned and winked at him, "I've got skills." He laughed and threw an arm around my shoulders.

"So do I get the bear?"

I looked at him with raised brows, "Why would you?"

He grinned, "You're supposed to win carnival toys for your significant other."

I nodded, "That is true." His grin widened. I hugged the bear closer to my chest, "But I won this for myself." He frowned and I laughed.

"That's not very nice." I stuck my tongue out and took off down the aisle. Thomas took off after me, his laughter joining mine.

Hope you like it!

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