Big Sister ~ Chris Young

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Requested by written_in_thestars

I wiped my hands on my apron and looked up at the clock. Dinner only needed to be in the oven for 30 minutes, so I made a mental note of the time and then waddled my way towards the living room. As I got closer, I could hear soft music streaming from the room. When I turned the corner I saw my husband sitting on the couch, strumming his guitar and singing to it daughter as she danced around. I leaned against the doorway and smiled at the two. Isabella noticed me and ran as fast as her tiny legs could go towards me. I bent down as best as I could and caught her in my arms, "Hey, baby, what are you doing?"

She scrunched up her nose, "I'm not the baby." She put her tiny hand on my stomach, "Baby here."

I kissed her forehead and both cheeks, "You're right. You're not the baby anymore. You're the big sister." Chris had gotten up and went over to the closet.

He returned with a wrapped box, "And we have something special for the big sister." Isabella clapped her hands and followed Chris to the couch. He pulled her up next to him and I sat on her other side. She squirmed around a bit before Chris put the box in her lap. She ripped the paper off and threw the top of the box across the room. Chris laughed and looked to me, "Someone is excited." I nodded as Isabella pulled a pink and blue shirt from the box.

He eyes widened, "Pwetty!" She thrust the shirt at me and I laughed, taking it from her. She held her arms up, so I slipped the shirt over her dress. She climbed down from the couch and twirled around.

When she looked up at me, I smiled, "Do you know what it says?" She shook her head, giggling. I pointed at the sparkly words, "It says 'I'm the Big Sister' right here."

She twirled again, "Wow." She turned to look at Chris now, "Play, dada, play." She pointed to his guitar and he was only too happy to oblige. He started strumming and singing and Bella went back to dancing around as she had been doing earlier. Chris looked over at me as he kept singing and I leaned in closer to him. Bella ran over and tapped my knees. I looked over and she held her hands out, "Dance, mama." I smiled at her and with a slight struggle and a push from Chris, I was on my feet. Isabella lead me over to the open space by the window. With a tight grip on both of my hands she started to jump around and bob her head. I moved my arms along with her and laughed. She stopped flailing and pressed her nose to my belly, "Dancin' with mama and the baby." She let go of my hands and put them on my stomach, on either side of her head, "Hello in dere." I giggled while Chris stopped playing and walked over to us.

He kissed my cheek, "She's gonna be a great big sister."

I nodded, "Yeah, she will be." I turned and pecked his lips.

"Ew." Chris and I looked down to see Bella with a scrunched up nose.

Chris picked her up, "Ew? You think that's ew?" She laughed and nodded, so Chris started to tickle her. She laughed louder and started to squirm in his arms.

I smiled at the two and then looked at the clock, "Oh it's time for dinner."

Chris put Bella down and the two of them ran to the kitchen, "Yay!" I followed after, laughing. If things were crazy now then I couldn't wait to see what was gonna happen with another daughter running around.

Sorry for the wait! Hope you like it!

Completely random, but is anyone else as obsessed with Kelleigh Bannen's new EP as I am? Seriously it's so good!

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