Fiji ~ Cole Swindell

341 6 2

Requested by GeorgiaQueen6

Cole and I had spent the morning in bed and the afternoon by the pool. Not an uncommon occurrence for people on their honeymoon and I can definitely see why. The day moved slowly and I had felt nothing but peace with Cole by my side. Everything was perfect. "Hey, baby?"

My head turned in Cole's direction, but I kept my eyes closed, still enjoying the sunshine, "Hm, what?"

"I love you."

I giggled, "Well I would certainly hope so." Pushing my sunglasses down, I opened my eyes, immediately seeing Cole's bright smile. I smiled back, "I love you too." I pushed my sunglasses back up, getting lost in the sun again. I almost jumped out of my seat when Cole's fingers started to gently trace circles on the skin of my shoulder. I moved away from him slightly, "Babe, that tickles." He laughed under his breath, but stopped, instead opting to hold my hand.

"I have a surprise for you tonight."

I sat up, moving my sunglasses to rest on the top of my head, "What kind of surprise?"

He smirked, "Well if I told you then the whole thing would be ruined."

Rolling my eyes, I swatted his arm, "Just tell me."

He jumped up from his lounge chair, "Not a chance, wifey." I reached out to grab him, but he was quicker than me and he was gone before I could get a grip, standing at the pool's edge. He turned and winked at me before jumping into the pool.


Wrapped up in a fluffy towel, I dug through the clothes I had brought down to Fiji. "Can you at least tell me how I should be dressing for this surprise?" Cole leaned out of the bathroom, shaving cream covering half of his face, and looked at me.

"You're gonna want to be comfortable." He pushed back into the bathroom and I threw some dresses back into the closet. With Cole's advice I had narrowed it down to 2 outfits. Now I just had to decide between the 2. Easier said than done. Pulling my bottom lip between my teeth, I weighed both options in my head. Cole's arms wrapped around my waist and his chin came to rest on my shoulder, "The floral one."

I looked back at him, "Yeah?" He nodded, so I broke out of his grip and grabbed the jumpsuit, quickly slipping it on.

Cole smiled when I turned and he gripped my hand in his, bringing it up to his lips, "Beautiful." He placed a kiss on my palm and then he was pulling me from the hotel room. We walked along one of the paths of the resort before Cole was pulling me off the gravel and down towards the beach.

"Where are we going?"

He only continued to lead me through the sand, "Just wait." I huffed, but didn't say anything as my eyes caught sight of some glowing lanterns. As we got closer to the light I could see a blanket laid out in the middle of the torches with a picnic basket and rose petals laid on top. I stopped walking, staring at the setup, tears starting to well up in my eyes. Cole turned to me and gently placed his hand on my cheek, "Come on." He got me moving again and we both settled onto the blanket.

I watched as he started pulling food from the basket, "It's perfect." I leaned forward, taking his face in my hands, "You're perfect." He smiled as I quickly placed my lips to his. I pulled back and let him finish setting up the food he had brought.

After we had eaten, we laid down on the blanket, cuddled up together under the full moon. Cole ran his fingers through my hair and I sighed in contentment. Soft music started to drift down the beach, so that we could hear the slow song as it played on. Cole sat up and held out his hand, "May I have this dance?" I nodded, pushing myself up to my feet. Cole grabbed my hand and wrapped his other arm around my waist. My free hand went to his shoulder and my head rested gently on his chest as we started to sway together.

I think this is one of, if not the longest imagine I've written in this book. I'm so sorry that this took so long, but I hope you enjoy it. This is actually the last request I have in my inbox and I have been filled with a newfound love for this book, so I've decided to open requests again.

If you want to send one in please remember that I only accept requests sent to my inbox.

Requests left in the comments will not be filled.

Thanks for reading!!

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