None of That Matters Now ~ Brantley Gilbert

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Requested by CRDABGROangel

"You promised that you would drive down to my mother's with me this weekend!" Brantley was stood on the other side of the table, staring at me with an annoyed expression on his face. I was dropping plates and cups onto the table, getting ready for dinner. "And now you're saying that you don't want to?!"

Brantley sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, "You are not listening! I didn't say that I didn't want to go, I said that I couldn't go!"

I glared up at him, slamming the last fork onto the table, "Oh yeah, I'm sure your silly meeting can't wait two days."

A humorless laugh slipped past his lips, "As a matter of fact, it can't."

I scoffed and threw my hands up, "You always do this! You never care about me or what's going on in my life. Everything is about your stupid career!" That may not have been the nicest thing to say and I knew I shouldn't be yelling at him like this, especially not while in this condition, but I couldn't stop.

He glared at me, "You knew what you were getting into when you agreed to be with me."

"Yeah, well maybe I thought that you would spare one thought for me. I guess I was wrong." Before he could retort, the oven timer dinged and I walked back into the kitchen.

Brantley followed, "You don't get to walk away."

I spun on my heel and hissed at him, "I need to get your dinner out of the oven." Spinning back around, I stalked to the oven and pulled it open with more force than was necessary. I pulled the pan out with a dish towel and dropped it onto the stove top. "Enjoy your dinner." I slipped past Brantley and grabbed my coat before walking out the front door, making sure to slam it behind me. I stormed down the porch steps and towards the sidewalk. I needed to take a walk.

It had only been half and hour before I returned home, feeling guilty about what I had said. I know Brantley loved his music and I know that I need to be supportive of him. I needed to apologize. I opened the front door and stepped into the foyer, "Baby?" I walked into the kitchen and through to the dining room, but he wasn't anywhere to be seen. "Brantley?" I stepped into the living room to see him sitting on the couch, his back to me. I lingered in the doorway for a minute before I took slow steps towards my boyfriend, "I'm sorry." I placed my hand on his shoulder, "I shouldn't have said all of that. Your music is important to you and I love that it is."

"Angel." My mouth snapped shut as I stared at the back of Brantley's head. He held up his hand and I gasped as I caught sight of the pregnancy test that I had taken earlier that day. The positive pregnancy test. Brantley stood up and jumped over the back of the couch. He cupped my face in his hands and smiled, "This is amazing."

Closing my eyes, I leaned into his touch, "I'm sorry about the fight." Brantley shushed me, but I kept going, "Don't worry about this weekend. You need to go to your meeting." Brantley placed his lips on mine, successfully stopping me from saying anything else.

He pulled back and stared down at me, "None of that matters now." He pressed his forehead against mine, "I love you."

I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him as close to myself as I could, "I love you too."

Thanks for reading!

Country Music ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora