How Much is That Doggy in the Window? ~ Dustin Lynch

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Requested by countrygirl400

"You know what we need?"

Dustin looked up at me, "What's that, baby?"

"Another dog." Dustin gave me a look and I nodded, "A husky."


I pouted, "Why not?"

Dustin sighed, "Because we already have a dog." I rolled my eyes, but he continued, "And you have Kane to take care of and I'm not always around because of work." He grabbed my hands, forcing me to look at him, "I don't want you to get overwhelmed because of an extra thing to worry about." I sighed and tried to get up from the couch, but Dustin pulled me down quickly. He kissed my cheek, "I'm sorry, baby."

I pulled away and moved away from the couch, "No, you're not." I could see the hurt flash across his face, so I stuck my tongue out at him.

He smirked, "That's not nice."

I smirked back, "What are you gonna do about it?" Before I could move, Dustin was on his feet, rushing towards me. I squealed and just barely slipped past his grip. Dustin chased me into the kitchen, but before he could grab me, we heard Kane crying. I dashed up the stairs as Dustin called after me that this wasn't over yet.

I was finishing up dinner, Kane watching me from his high chair, when the front door opened, "I'm home."

"Hey, babe! Dinner's almost done." There was a rustling and I furrowed my brow, "You okay, Dustin?" I was answered with a bark. Kane gasped at the same time I did. "Oh my goodness." I quickly grabbed Kane and rushed to the living room to see Dustin cradling a beautiful husky puppy.

Kane's eyes lit up, "Puppy!" Dustin nodded and put the puppy down.

I set Kane next to the new puppy and turned to my husband, "Are you serious?" Dustin laughed and wrapped his arms around me.

"I want you to be happy."

I sat on the floor next to Kane, "I am happy."

Dustin sat next to me and kissed my temple, "Good." The three of us sat on the floor, playing with the new puppy. As we watched Kane, Dustin turned to me, "You owe me."

I chuckled, "Oh yeah?" He nodded. I smirked, "What do you want?"

Dustin put his hand on my cheek, "I think you know." He leaned over and placed his lips on mine. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck. We broke apart at the sound of Kane's laugh and the puppy's barking.

Hope you enjoyed this one. 

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