Beach Bonfire ~ Cole Swindell

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Requested by Luke_Play_It_Again

"This food is delicious."

Cole chuckled, "Don't fill up too much. There's gonna be s'mores at the bonfire."

My fork fell to my plate with a clatter as I stared up at my boyfriend, "S'mores?" He nodded, a smirk firmly planted on his face. I threw my napkin on the table, "I'm done." Cole laughed and waved the waiter over to ask for our check. After we had paid the bill, we made our way out to our car and down the road. Lucky for us the beach that we were going to wasn't that far from our favorite restaurant. We pulled up next to some other cars and stepped onto the paved parking lot. I smiled as I grabbed my sweater from the backseat, "Ready?" Cole nodded and took my hand, leading me down the sand over to where a group of people were standing around. I dropped Cole's hand and ran over to my two best friends, jumping on Kelley and nearly knocking her over.

She laughed as she regained her balance, "Hey, Makayla. Nice of you to finally join us." I stuck my tongue out at her and she laughed again. With an occasional glance back at the fire pit, I stood with Kelley, making small talk and waiting for the fire to be lit.

"Babe, come sit with me." I turned to look at Cole, who stood with his hand outstretched to me. I said bye to Kelley and followed Cole over to one of the logs that had been set around the pit. We sat close together, cuddled up under the stars. Now that the sun had gone down, the air was cool and I shivered as a breeze blew down the beach. Cole pulled me closer and wrapped a blanket around our shoulders.

I stared at him, "Where did you get this from?"

"I grabbed it from the car while you were hanging out with Kelley."

I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder, "Well thank you."

His head rested on mine, "You're welcome." Cole moved us forward on the log, so that we would be closer to the growing flames. I smiled as the heat washed over my face. "Better?" I nodded and pushed closer into Cole's side.

I had apparently dozed off for a minute because the next thing I knew a toasted marshmallow was being waved in front of my face. I jumped back a big, causing Cole to laugh. I slapped his arm, "Shut up, jerk."

Cole had put the marshmallow on graham crackers and was now holding it out to me, "I make you a s'more and you call me a jerk?" He sighed, "That's not very nice." I rolled my eyes and reached out to take the s'more only for him to pull it out of my reach.

I pouted, "Hey."

Cole smirked, "Say you love me." I stared at him with narrowed eyes, reaching for the s'more again. He pulled it back with an expectant look.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, "I love you." A small smile broke out on my face and Cole grinned back.

"Now give me a kiss." He puckered his lips and stared at me. I laughed. Pulling my hand out from the blanket I turned his head and placed my lips on his cheek.

He pouted, but I held my hand out, "S'more!" He sighed and reluctantly handed it over. I grinned as I bit into the chocolate and marshmallow goodness. Cole smiled down at me and I grinned back, "Thank you, baby." I finished the s'more, licking chocolate off my fingers. These things really are messy.

"Babe, you got some chocolate on your face."

I looked up at Cole, "Where?"

He smirked, "I'll get it for you." He leaned down and placed his lips on mine. I kissed back for a minute before pulling away. "Okay, you're good."

I giggled and rolled my eyes, "You're so cheesy."

"Only for you."

So sorry about the wait, but I hope you like it!! If not then let me know and I can redo it. Thanks for reading!!

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