I Could Never Forget About You ~ Eric Church

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Requested by Batmananddemon

I hummed along to the radio as I set the last curl in my hair. Eric sauntered into the bathroom as I ran my fingers through my hair, pulling the curls apart slightly. He smiled down at me and wrapped and arm around my waist, resting his head against my shoulder, "You look beautiful, babe."

I smiled and kissed his cheek, "Thank you." Turning back to the mirror, I checked my makeup one last time before skipping back into the bedroom. I fell onto the bed, Eric chuckling as he watched me struggled to put my shoes on. I scowled at him as I finally strapped my heels to my feet and jumped up, "Let's go." He nodded and grabbed my hand, leading me down the stairs and out to his car.

After a short drive, we were pulling up outside of the bar that the party was being held at. It had been so long since Eric and I had seen our friends, so I was excited to catch up with everyone tonight. Once the car was parked I jumped out of my seat and rushed to the door, not bothering to wait for Eric to catch up. I burst through the door, immediately throwing myself at my friend, Beth, who greeted me at the door.

She laughed as she caught me, "We've missed you so much! Where have you been hiding?"

I laughed and pulled away from her, "I haven't been hiding, just been super busy." She looped her arm through mine just as Eric walked in the door. Beth waved at him and I smiled before I was pulled into the crowd to see everyone else that I had been missing.

The night was passing by with drinks and long conversations. I was laughing with a group of friends when I noticed that Eric wasn't next to me. As I looked around the room for him, I realized that I hadn't seen him in a while, so I excused myself from the group and circled the bar, looking for my missing boyfriend. I sighed when I saw him sitting alone at a table, an empty beer in his hands. I made a quick detour to the bar to grab him a new drink before making my way over to him. I placed the beer on the table with a loud clink, causing Eric to look up at me and smile. I smiled back and set myself in the seat across from him, "Hey, baby."

He grabbed my hand across the table, Hey, beautiful. You've been busy tonight." I nodded and he smirked, "I thought you forgot about me."

I smirked back, "I could never forget about you." Pushing up out of my chair, I leaned across the table and planted my lips on his. He weaves his hand into my hair before pulling back with a grin

"Come on." He stood up, taking my hand and pulled me from my seat. I laughed as he swung me around the dance floor, keeping time with the blasting music.

Ugh, I feel like my endings are always terrible. So I obviously didn't keep to my schedule and I apologize for not updating, but I'm nearing the end of my semester, so I've got a lot of work to finish up and finals to study for. The good news is that I have a whole week off after my finals before my summer class starts!!! Yay! I think I have like 5 requests left in my list. I'll try to get them out as soon as I can. Thanks for reading!

Country Music ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora