Huntin' ~ Dustin Lynch

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Requested by Luke_and_Dustin

Dustin had been away a lot on tour, so he decided to plan a fun day for the two of us since we hadn't had the chance to spend time together. He woke me up early and had me dress in camouflage. I sighed as I looked over our outfits, "Why are we dressed like this?"

Dustin grinned at me, pulling out two permits, "We're going turkey huntin'!" I giggled, rolling my eyes playfully. Dustin only continued to grin as he gently grabbed my hand and led me out to his truck. I hopped into the passenger seat as he got everything settled in the back. He joined me soon after and strayed the truck up, pulling out of the driveway. It wasn't long before we had arrived at Dustin's "lucky spot" and we were pulling guns and ammo out of the truck bed. Once we were both situated, we made our way into the woods, being as quiet as possible.

Dustin and I had been out here for a couple hours and we haven't even seen a turkey despite the number of times Dustin used the turkey call. "Are you sure this spot is lucky?" Dustin shushed me and stuck my tongue out him.

He smirked, "You better be careful. Someone might bite that off." Movement drew my eye and I looked past him.

"Dustin!" My voice was excited, but I kept as quiet as I could.

"Don't be so sensitive. It was just a joke."

I slapped his arm, "Shut up and look." I pointed to the side where a huge turkey was just milling about. It hadn't noticed us and I was grateful that the racket we were making hadn't scared it away.

Dustin smiled at me, "Good eye, babe." I smiled and he gestured to the turkey, "Well, go on. You spotted it, so you get to take the shot." I nodded at him and held my gun up, taking aim.

I dropped my shotgun down, "What if I miss?"

Dustin chuckled, "You won't miss. Go ahead." He nodded to the turkey again and I sighed.

"Maybe you should do it."

Dustin shook his head, "You saw it." He lifted my arm up, so the gun was level with my chest, "It's yours. You can do it." I sighed again, bringing the scope of the shotgun level to my eye and taking aim at the turkey. I let out a breath as I squeezed the trigger. A bang echoed through the trees and the turkey fell over. Dustin kissed my cheek, "You got it, babe!" I smiled and jumped into his arms. He laughed as he lifted me off my feet and carried me over to the turkey. Dustin set me on my feet and I bent down to inspect the bird. It was even bigger up close and I was proud of myself for not messing up the shot. I started to tag the turkey when another bang echoed. Startled, I looked up at Dustin to see him holding a smoking gun. He looked down at me, "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you, but I didn't want to lose it." I looked over to where he was pointing to see another turkey.

I smiled at him, "Good job."

He smiled, "Why thank you, beautiful." Dustin went over to tag and grab his turkey and soon both of us were lugging our birds back to the truck. Dustin tossed his into the back and turned to see me struggling with the heavy bird. He chuckled and pulled his phone out of his pocket, snapping a picture of me. He slid the phone back into his pocket, "Gotta post that later." I kicked his shin, but he only laughed and helped me haul the turkey into the truck. We climbed into the truck and Dustin took off down the road.

"This is so great. We have to invite everyone over and cook the turkeys for them."

Dustin smiled over at me, "That sounds great. Plus now we can go fishing. We can make hooks from the bones and use leftover parts for bait."

I nodded, "Oh and I can make so many arrow fletchings with the feathers." I looked over at Dustin, "You could even make a new turkey call. Maybe it'll work better than the one you have now." I smirked as Dustin scoffed.

"Mine works fine." I gave him an incredulous stare and he sighed, "We got turkeys, didn't we?"

I laughed, "Yeah, but we almost didn't." Dustin pouted and I laughed again, "Okay, your call works fine." My smile softened, "Today was perfect."

Hope this what you had in mind. I've never been hunting, so I'm not sure how accurate this is. Also I believe in using all parts of an animal if you kill it, so that's what all that stuff at the end was about. Also sorry for taking so long with this one and it's a little longer than I anticipated, so I hope that's okay.

Question of the chapter: What's the best concert you've ever been to?

Mine was a Brothers Osborne, Kip Moore, and Miranda Lambert show. Those are my four favorite people in country music right now, so I was so excited to see that they were touring together. After the show, Kip was signing autographs, so I got to meet him which was awesome. Anyway, leave your answers in the comments! And thanks for reading!

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