Airport Pick-Ups ~ Dustin Lynch

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Requested by countrygirl400

I bounced on the balls of my feet, searching for my husband in the crowd of people that were exiting the plane. "Hey, baby girl!" Dustin had emerged from behind a group of giddy teenagers. Once he was in my sights, I ran and jumped into his arms. Dropping his bag, he caught me easily and proceeded to pepper my face with kisses. I giggled and pulled away to give him a proper kiss.

Breaking away, I put my feet back on the floor, "I missed you." He picked up his bag and slung an arm around my shoulder.

"I missed you too. Where's Kane?"

I smiled, "He's at home. I didn't tell him that you were coming home early. I wanted it to be a surprise." Dustin smiled and led me out of the airport. I drove us back to our house and told him to wait in the foyer while I got Kane. Stepping into the living room, I saw Kane playing with the babysitter. I stood and watched them for a second before Kane noticed me.


He padded over to me and I scooped him up, "Hey, baby. Did you have fun with Kelley?" Kane nodded and I turned my attention to the babysitter, "Thanks again, Kel."

She smiled, "No problem. Call again whenever you need me." She winked at me and left the room.

I turned back to Kane, "I have a surprise for you." Kane laughed and clapped his hands together. I started to carry him towards the front hall, "Ready?" He nodded, so I jumped into the foyer, expecting Dustin to be there, but he was nowhere to be found. My smile dropped and I looked around, "What happened to your surprise?" The front door flew open and Dustin stood in the doorway, grinning at us. Kane's eyes lit up and he smiled.

Holding his arms out to Dustin, he squirmed, "Dada!" Dustin stepped into the house and too Kane from my arms. I watched with a smile, as Kane buried his face in Dustin's neck, holding tightly to him. Dustin held Kane just as tightly, neither making a sound. I felt a tear slide down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away. I smiled as Kane babbled to Dustin about how he missed him and about everything he had done while Dustin was away. Dustin listened intently, carrying Kane into the living room and sitting on the carpet with him.

Hope you liked it! I'm hoping to get all my requests done before the weekend is over, but I make no promises! Random side note: I got my hair dyed today and I am so happy to finally have pink hair again, so I have to tell everyone I encounter. Anyway! I am still taking requests if you wanna send them. Also shout out to Amanda3325   She's a doll and her imagine book is amazing, so if you're not already reading it then you should get on that!!

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