Airport Vacation ~ Cole Swindell

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Requested by Amanda3325

"Hey, babe, why are there suitcases in the living room?" I had just walked in the door to be greeted by two giant pieces of luggage sitting in our front room.

Cole came bounding around the corner, "Because we are going on a trip." He grinned, "We leave tomorrow morning."

I stared at him, "Are you serious?" He nodded and I jumped into his arms, "Babe, this is amazing." I pecked his lips quickly, "You are so wonderful. Thank you so much."

Cole lifted me off the ground and started walking towards the stairs, "You're welcome, baby." He set me down on the first step, "Now let's get some rest. We gotta be up early to catch our flight tomorrow."

I grabbed his hand and led him up the stairs, "Where are we going?"

I heard him laugh, "That, my dear, is the great surprise."

I spun on my heel, "You're really not going to tell me?" He smiled coyly and shook his head. I sighed and continued up the stairs.

The next morning I was woken by Cole's alarm going off at 5 am. I groaned, but somehow found the energy to drag myself out of bed and get ready. I was silent the entire ride to the airport, completely focused on staying awake. We were able to find a good parking spot and we made it through security with no problems. Cole led me over to the gate and I noticed the words New York on the board near the door. I grinned over at my husband, "New York? That's going to be so amazing."

Cole smiled down at me, "Don't get too excited. That's just a stepping stone, if you will, on our way to the real destination." I narrowed my eyes at him, hoping he would give something away. Unfortunately he only smiled and stared out the window. We didn't have to wait long before we were able to board the plane.

Before I knew it we had landed in New York. Cole and I left the plane and made our way to the next gate. I was excited because I was going to be able to finally see where we were going. "Paris? We're going to Paris?" I spun to face Cole, a huge smile on my face. He laughed as I barely contained my excitement. I started jumping up and down, "This is truly amazing." I threw my arms around his neck, "Thank you so much." I placed my lips on his and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

He pulled away, "Come on, let's line up at the gate." He took my hand and led me to the end of the line.

Looking out the window, I sighed, "The snow is so beautiful."

Cole looked over and nodded, "Yeah, I just hope it doesn't interfere with the flights."

And then, almost as if he had cursed us, a voice came over the speakers, "I'm sorry, folks, but Flight 282 to Paris, France has been delayed due to extreme weather. Please standby." My shoulders dropped and Cole swore under his breath.

I grabbed his hand and led him over to some seats, "We'll just relax until the weather clears. It shouldn't be too long, right?"

He kissed my forehead, "Nah, course not, baby." Now it seemed that I was the one who cursed us. We sat there for two hours before another announcement was made that the delay would continue until the storm had passed.

I leaned my head on Cole's shoulder, "This is unfortunate."

"Yeah. I'm sorry, babe."

I lifted my head and looked up at him, "It's not your fault there's a blizzard." I leaned my head back and we sat in silence for a few minutes.

Cole stood up and held out his hand, "Come on."

I looked up at him, "Where are we going?"

He smiled, "Just come on." I sighed, but I took his hand anyway and let him pull me to my feet. We walked hand in hand towards one of the gift shops and Cole turned to me, "Want an I heart New York t-shirt?" I shook my head, laughing. Cole continued, trying to get me to buy New York souvenirs. He had wandered off before I heard him call from across the store, "Babe! I got the perfect souvenir." I looked over at him as he held up an I heart New York thong."

I narrowed my eyes and threw a nearby pillow, "You're an idiot."

He laughed as he ran over, "But I'm your idiot and you love me." I rolled my eyes and walked away. I didn't get very far before I felt arms wrapping around me and my feet leaving the ground. Cole spun me around and then placed me back down, peppering my face with kisses. I laughed and tried to push him away, but he was much stronger than me. "Say you love me and I'll stop."

I calmed my laughter and sighed, "I love you. There. You happy?"

He smiled, "Very." I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand, leading him away from the gift shop. We walked along for a few minutes before I noticed the moving walkways.

I ran over to them, "Babe, I love these." I stepped onto one and pulled my best ballerina pose as it carried me down the hall. Cole laughed and jumped on after me.

He walked towards me, his pace increased due to the movement, "I'm the bionic man." He passed me and then jumped on the one going back in the direction we just came from. I made it to the end as he was back where we started. He called over to me, "I'll race ya."

I stood at the ready, "It's on." We waited for the walkways to be empty before yelling go and then taking off. We passed each other and Cole tried to grab my hand, but I pulled away, "Too slow!" I ran the last couple of steps and jumped onto solid ground, turning to see Cole step off a minute later, "I win!" He laughed and ran back down the walkway to where I was celebrating. He picked me up and started carrying me to a cafe located down the terminal. After sitting me down at a table, he went and grabbed us some coffee before returning. I took my cup from him, "Thank you."

He sat across from me and pulled a paper bag from behind his back, "And I got you something." He placed the bag on the table in front of me. I gave him a sly smile before picking up the bag.

"Aw, you're the best, babe." I pulled the chocolate chip cookie from the bag and took a huge bite. I held the cookie in one hand and picked up my coffee in the other, taking a sip. Just as I was about to take another bite of the cookie, Cole leaned over took a huge chomp out of it. My mouth fell open in shock while he just smirked.

"Attention all passengers of Flight 282 to Paris, France, please return to the gate as we will be boarding in 25 minutes. Thank you." Cole and I jumped up, threw our trash away and started to make our way back to the gate. Cole put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close.

I leaned into him, "That was the best airport vacation I've ever had."

He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss, "Me too, baby." We made it back to the gate and we got in line. Cole grinned, "Paris, here we come."

So sorry for the wait. I'm slowly, but surely making my way through my list of imagines. I have 2 more requests and then some ideas that I had, so I promise to have the requests done before the end of the weekend.

Hope you like this one!! If not then let me know. This was a one word prompt. The word being vacation and I wanted to do something different than the typical vacation imagine. But if you want a typical vacation imagine I can write a part 2 of this one. Let me know.

You can still send requests. It might take a little while, but I'm still accepting them.

Side note- my phone kept trying to autocorrect Cole to Coke, so sorry if I missed one.

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