Jitters ~ Kane Brown

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Requested by BeccaaJohnson

I smiled at my reflection, running my hands over the cool silk of my white gown. Today was the day. I was about to marry the love of my life and I could not be more excited.


I turned to face my mom, "A little."

She smiled as she placed her hands on my shoulders, "Good. That means you're doing the right thing." I smiled back at her and pecked her cheek. "I'm going to go check on your father. Lord knows what he's up to." I chuckled as she winked at me and left the room. Turning back to the mirror, I sighed and began to inspect my reflection more closely. Spinning slightly from side to side, I tried to get a better view of the back of the dress. I noticed what looked like some wonky beading, causing me to sigh again. I shuffled over to the privacy screen in the corner of the room and stepped behind it, preparing to take the dress off the inspect the beads closer. Before I could get the dress off, I heard the door open.

"Ma? I need you to come help me." I heard footsteps move closer to the screen, but they stopped just on the other side.

"It's me." I threw myself as far into the corner as I could at the sound of the voice.

"Kane! You're not supposed to see me before the wedding!"

I could hear the smile on his voice, "I know. I didn't see anything and I promise not to cross this screen." He tapped it with his hand and I relaxed a bit.

"What are you doing here? Is something wrong?"

His voice changed, "No, nothing's wrong. I just... I just wanted to talk to you."

I smiled, "About what?"

He leaned against the screen, "I'm nervous."

I smirked as I leaned against the screen also, "You're not backing out on me, are you?"

His weight left the screen and I could hear the panic in his voice, "No! Of course not. I love you and there is nothing I want more in this world than for you to become my wife." I smiled and fiddled with my necklace, feeling heat rush to my cheeks. How is that after all this time he can still make me blush? Kane leaned back on the screen, his weight pressing against mine, "What if I mess up my vows or I trip down the aisle and bring you with me?" He sighed and I held back my giggles, knowing it would only make him more nervous.

My smile widened, "You won't mess up your vows. You sing to thousands of people and articulate your words perfectly."

Kane sighed again, "This is more important."

I let a giggle slip past my lips, "You'll be fine. And if you trip and we both fall, then we'll get back up."

Kane was silent for a minute before his voice drifted back over to me, "What if I rip your dress?"

"Then I'll have to beat you up." He laughed at that and I smiled, "I'm nervous too, but it's okay. It just means we're doing the right thing." His weight shifted and I knew he was raising his eyebrows at me. "If it doesn't make your heart beat like crazy the it isn't worth it." I reached my hand around the screen, taking hold of Kane's hand.

He laced his fingers with mine, "I love you."

A soft smile broke out on my face, "I know. I love you too." He chuckled and I pulled my hand back, "Now get out of here, so we can get married."

He chuckled again, "Yes ma'am." He lingered for a second before I heard his footsteps heading for the door. The door creaked open and then clicked shut. I sighed and poked my head out from the screen to see an empty room. I smiled and went back to the mirror. With one last glance, I turned towards the door and went out into the hallway, meeting my dad halfway. I linked my arm with his and let him lead me to the inside doors of the church.

He smiled down at me, "Ready?"

Looking up at him, I nodded, a smile forming on my lips, "More ready than I've ever been." The doors opened and my eyes immediately found Kane's. He smiled at me. Yes, I was definitely ready.

I am on a roll.

Thank you so much for everything you've done for me these last few weeks. Seriously you are a sweetheart and I appreciate all of your messages. I really hope you enjoy this one!! I loved writing it and am actually quite happy with the way it turned out, but if you don't like it then please let me know so I can fix/change it!! Thanks for reading.

Question of the chapter: Have you guys heard Brett Eldredge's new song, Love Someone? It's amazing and I love it!

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