Keep On Waiting ~ Luke Bryan

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Requested by musiclover4329

It had only been a week and a half, so I think I was entitled to at least two more weeks of wallowing in misery and self pity. Unfortunately my best friend did not agree with me. He insisted that I get out and do something fun. That I shouldn't let some stupid guy get me down. Especially not one as stupid and useless as Jake. And that is why I was currently standing back stage at Luke's concert as he did a few warmups before hitting the stage. He looked over at me and smiled, "Having fun?" I forced a smile into my face as I nodded, but he saw right through it. Luke stepped closer to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder, "Just try to enjoy the show, yeah?" I nodded and he smiled, "I'm dedicating all the good songs to you." I laughed which caused his smile to widen, "And the we'll got out after. Just the two of us."

I nodded and looked up at him, "That'll be nice." I tilted my head to the side, "Like old times."

Luke nodded and squeezed my shoulder, "That's the spirit." Someone called out for him and he pulled away from me, "I gotta go. Don't go hiding in my dressing room." He pointed at me and then to the spot I was standing in, silently telling me to stay put and watch the show. He gave me one last smile before bounding off towards the stage. A deafening cheer took over as the crowd saw Luke step out of the wings and into their view. I smiled and chuckled. They loved him.

"I've got one more song for y'all! Luke turned quickly to see if I was still in my spot. He had been doing that all throughout the show to find that I had not moved. Each time he turned back to the crowd, it seemed his smile had grown. This last turn of his head was no exception and as his smile grew, so did mine. "This one's called Crash My Party. And it's for a special girl. She knows who she is." Luke winked at me and the crowd went crazy. The music started and Luke gave his all in the last song of the night. I swayed along to the beat, mouthing the words. I guess tonight had been good for me. I'd never admit that to him though. As the last note lingered in the air, Luke waves to the crowd and thanked them for coming out. And then he was next to me, wrapped his sweaty arms around me. I scrunched my nose and pushed him away, causing him to laugh. "Give me twenty minutes and then we're off." I nodded and watched as he jogged to his dressing room to get ready for dinner.

True to his word, Luke returned within twenty minutes and looked our arms together. I giggled as he pulled me out to the parking lot and over to his truck. We took a short ride to a nearby restaurant and were seated in the back where Luke would be less likely to be recognized. Dinner passed by easily. Conversation was never difficult for us as tends to happen when you've known someone for as long as Luke and I have known each other. Even silences we're comfortable for us. Or at least they used to be. It seemed that Luke was fidgeting in his seat after our laughter had died down. I grabbed Luke's hand and gave him a gentle smile, "Are you alright?" Luke nodded, but then shook his head.

"I have something I want to tell you, but I know I shouldn't." He looked at me and I could see the struggle in his eyes.

I rubbed my thumb over his knuckles, trying to be soothing, "Why do you think you shouldn't?"

Luke sighed, "Because I know it'll change things and I know you don't need this right now."

"Okay, you're scaring me. Please tell me what's on your mind." Luke sighed and looked down. Then he looked up and around the room. He looked anywhere, but at me. I cleared my throat and finally his eyes settled on mine."

"I love you. I have for a while, but you were with Jake and now you're getting over him, so I don't expect anything from you. I just wanted to tell you, which I know is selfish of me. And I shouldn't have said anything and please just don't let this change things. And know that I'll be here for you, no matter what and in whatever capacity you want. Just don't hate me."

I patted Luke's hand and smiled at him, "Luke, calm down. It's okay." He looked at me sheepishly and I nodded, "It is. You are right though. I can't do this with you right now." I shook my head and pulled my hand away from his, "It's too soon for me and I'm not ready."

Luke nodded, "I understand."

"I think... and I'm not making any promises, but I think I could one day."

He smiled at me, "Then I'll keep on waiting. No pressure though." I nodded and smiled as Luke reached across the table and placed a kiss on my forehead.

So sorry if this isn't the ending you had in mind, but I wanted to keep it realistic and I hate those stories where people just jump right into the next relationship. Thanks for reading and I hope you all enjoy!

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