Gym Rats ~ Kelleigh Bannen ~ Best Friends

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"Ready to go, babe?" I let myself into Kelleigh's apartment as I did every morning. She came out of her bedroom, tying her hair into a ponytail.

"Hey, girl!" She grabbed her gym bag and we walked out to the elevator. "Ready for an intense workout?"

I laughed, "Of course!" She joined in my laughter as we exited her building and walked the two blocks to the gym we had recently joined. We walked in to see a bunch of people scattered around the gym. I looked around, "What should we start with?"

"Hm, how about the treadmill?" I nodded and we made our way over to two open machines. We started out slow, but soon enough we were racing each other, seeing who could run the fastest.

"Ha!" I pumped my fist in the air when Kelleigh had to slow down. She glared at me. Unfortunately for me, before I could gloat some more I lost my footing and almost went flying off the back of the treadmill. I caught myself just in time, but that didn't stop my friend from laughing at me. I jumped down to solid ground, "Okay, new machine." Kelleigh continued to laugh at me as we went to the stair master. I smacked her arm before jumping onto the machine so that she couldn't retaliate.

We circulated around the gym for an hour and a half, using several different machines. After getting off the elliptical, we were able to drag our tired bodies over to some mats to try to do push-ups. I put my hands and feet on the ground, ready to start. Kelleigh and I pushed down and then back up at the same time, "One." My arms gave out and I collapsed onto the floor. Kelleigh did another push-up, "Two." And then she was on the floor next to me.

I rolled onto my back, "Okay. I'm calling it. We should head home."

She nodded, "Yeah, we did good today." I nodded. We laid on the mat, refusing to move. "Well let's go."

"I'm waiting for you."

She sighed, "Okay. I'm getting up." She lifted her head before falling back, "In a minute."

"How about tomorrow, instead of coming to the gym, we walk to the pizza place instead of driving. That's exercise, right?"

She nodded, "Yeah, that's probably better than coming here anyway."

I turned to her, "Right? Who needs the gym?"

Kelleigh is for real so funny and so adorable. I want her to be my best friend.

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