Birthday Baby ~ Brett Eldredge

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Requested by iloveNiallLoiusnLiam

My tongue poked out the side of my mouth as I concentrated on writing on Liam's cake, a pastry bag held tightly in my hands. I moved slowly and with purpose, wanting this cake to be absolutely perfect as it was the first birthday cake my baby boy would be receiving. "Babe, that looks beautiful." I stepped back, straight into Brett's arms, as he reached around me, "Great job."

I smiled up at him, "Thanks. I want everything to be perfect." I tossed the pastry bag onto the counter and studied the cake, looking for any mistakes. Brett's hand reached out and he swiped some frosting from the side of the cake.

He quickly stuck his finger in his mouth and tasted the frosting, "Delicious."

I smacked his arm, "What are you doing?" He smiled at me and I glared, "Stop ruining the cake, you crazy man!" Brett laughed and reached out again, but I grabbed his arm and pulled him away with all my strength, "Don't you dare!" Brett tried to shake me off, but I held tightly, pulling him back.

"I just want one more taste."

"No!" As we continued to wrestle in the middle of the kitchen, both of our brothers walked in from the backyard. I looked up at them, relief flooding my body, "Thank God! Take him outside and keep him there!" I pushed Brett into the other two men and they laughed. Brett pouted at me, but I only shook my head and went to fix the mess he had made of the frosting. Both our brothers were able to convince Brett to come outside and help them string up some more balloons. My peace was short lived however, as the front door slammed open and my parents walked in.

My mom opened her arms wide and moved towards me, "Hey, honey!" She wrapped me up in a hug, rocking us side to side before pulling away, "Where's the birthday boy?"

I laughed, "Outside with his other grandparents."

My mom mumbled something about going to say happy birthday while my dad wrapped me up in a one armed hug, "Hey, Renea." I hugged him back, mindful of the rather large gift in his other arm.

"Hi, dad. You can put that on the table outside." He nodded and followed the path my mom had taken to the back patio. As I fixed the cake and put the finishing touches on the rest of the food, I answered the door as more guests arrived.

Soon everyone was here and enjoying the party on the back patio. I was sitting in a deck chair, bouncing Liam on my lap as he giggled. "Are you enjoying your birthday party, baby?" He giggled louder and I smiled. Everything was going great and I could not have asked for a better night.

"Happy birthday to you..." I turned to see Brett carrying the cake out of the kitchen. Everyone joined in singing as the cake was placed in front of Liam and he stared wide eyed. Brett leaned next to our son and helped him blow out the candle once the song had finished. Everyone cheered, causing Liam to laugh again and clap his little hands together. I leaned forward and kissed his head as he wiggled in my grip and lunged at the cake. I gasped as his fists landed in the frosting and Brett laughed out loud. As I pulled Liam back, he brought his cake covered hands to his face and started eating.

Shaking my head, I looked up at Brett, "Like father, like son."

I have so many requests-she said with a pained laugh. Kidding, I'm fine. I bet y'all are wondering where I've been (kidding again, I'm sure you don't care). I've been working a lot. I'm actually at work right now. Anyway, thanks for reading! And I hope you like this one!

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