Santa's Elf ~ TJ Osborne

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Christmas was my favorite time of year. I loved it so much that I even picked up a second job at a department store as one of Santa's elves. I got to wear stripey tights and jingle bell shoes and pointy ears and it was the most wonderful thing ever. The best part of the job, though was seeing the way all the kids' faces lit up when they saw Santa sitting in his chair. "Why are you always so cheery?" I looked up from the tiny mirror in the break room to see one of my co-workers slouched in her seat.

I giggled, "I'm an elf. I'm naturally cheery." She rolled her eyes and turned back to the mirror to finish applying my rosy cheeks. Grabbing my hat, I pulled it over my head as I walked out the door, "See ya out there." Kelley only groaned and waved me off. I chuckled to myself as I made my way to my spot at the head of the line. I relieved the other girl that had been stationed there and she left with a grateful smile. I smiled at the little boy who was next in line, "Are you ready to see Santa?" He nodded. "What are you going to ask him for?"

The little boy grinned up at me, "Legos."

"Wow! Legos are the best." He nodded again and I handed him a candy cane. I looked over to see that the kid that was in Santa's lap was walking to the exit lane. I turned back to the boy next to me, "Alright you can go up to Santa now." He practically ran up and jumped into Santa's lap.

This went on for almost two hours before I felt someone tug on my dress. I looked down to see an adorable little girl in a pretty Christmas dress. I smiled down at her and she grinned back, "You're pretty."

I laughed, "Thank you, sweetie." I leaned down, "I think you're very pretty too." Her grin widened as I handed her a candy cane, "You excited to see Santa?"

She nodded, "Oh yes!"

I stood up and looked over at Santa before turning back to the girl, "Well it's your turn." She gasped and looked over to the jolly man in the chair. Her eyes widened and she looked back at the man she had walked up with.

He smiled down at her and nudged her forward, "Go on, Pearl." She nodded at him before walking slowly up to Santa. She looked nervous, but once she got on his lap, she was talking to him like they were old friends. I heard the man behind me chuckle.

I looked back at him, "Your daughter is so sweet."

He smiled, "Thanks, but she's not my daughter. She's my niece."

"Oh, um, pardon me then."

He chuckled and held his hand out, "I'm TJ."

I smiled and put a candy cane in his hand, "Opal."

He took the candy cane with a smile, "So you like Christmas, Opal?"

"I love it. It's my favorite time of year." I looked over at Pearl and Santa. "And I love coming down from the North Pole to help Santa speak with all the kids." I winked at TJ and he laughed. I saw Pearl climb out of Santa's lap and turned to get ready to greet the next kid.

TJ cleared his throat, "So, I know that Christmas is a really busy time for you elves and I'm not sure how much longer you'll be in town before you have to return to the North Pole," I giggled and he smiled, "But would you maybe want to grab some dinner with me?"

I smiled, "Well I do have some time after the store closes." I leaned closer to him, "We're not leaving for the North Pole until Christmas Eve." He laughed. "So do you want to meet me here at 9?"

Pearl ran over and grabbed TJ's hand, "Uncle TJ! I saw Santa and I told him everything that I wanted for Christmas!"

He grinned down at her, "And what did he say?"

"He said that as long as I continue to be a good girl then I'll have a very nice Christmas." I smiled before turning back to the line. I handed a candy cane to the next kid in line and ushered him towards Santa.

Pearl looked up at me, waving, "Bye! Merry Christmas!"

I waved down at her, "I hope you have a very merry Christmas, Pearl." She grabbed her Uncle's hand again and started to pull him away.

TJ turned to me quickly, "I'll see you at 9." I smiled and nodded. And then he was gone and I was left to wait excitedly for 9 o'clock.

Well that ended up being much longer than I had originally planned, but once I started writing, everything just flowed. I've got one more update for tonight and then I'll be taking a break for a couple of days. I have finished all my requests, but they are still CLOSED. I'll re-open them in the new year. Thanks for reading!

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