Rain ~ Adam Sanders

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Requested by Amanda3325

"I just don't understand why you had to be so flirty with that girl." It was late and I was driving My boyfriend home from his show. Rain was pouring down and I could barely see ten feet in front of me. Luckily there wasn't anyone else on the road.

Adam sighed, running a hand over his face, "I wasn't being flirty. She was a fan and I was just trying to be nice."

"Yeah, being nice and also making it look like you were interested in her!" I pressed down on the accelerator a bit harder. "It's like I didn't even exist anymore."

He scoffed, "You're being dramatic. Would you please slow down."

I turned quickly to stare at him. "Dramatic?! I am not being dramatic."

Adam snapped at me, "Fine! You're not dramatic, but would you please pay attention to the road?" He gestured to the windshield and the road in front of us. I turned back, mumbling under my breath. Adam sighed, "And slow down, would you?"

"I do not need to slow down."

"Yes, you do." We started arguing again as we came upon a curve in the road. "Please slow down!" I turned my head, so that I could better yell at Adam, but movement caught my eye. "Babe, watch out!" I slammed the brakes as something darted across the road. Fortunately, we didn't hit the animal. Unfortunately, the car slid on the wet road and went over a small ditch, straight into a tree. The impact wasn't too hard, so the airbags didn't deploy, but I was still shaken. I could hear Adam, but he sounded so far away, "Babe? Are you okay?" I felt my lungs constricting and I thought I was going to suffocate in the car. Throwing open my door, I stumbled into the rain, breathing deeply. I heard Adam slam his door and he was next to me as I fell to my knees. My hair was soaked and hanging around my face as I took deep breaths. The rain continued to assault me as Adam put his hands on my shoulders, "Are you okay?"

I pushed my wet locks away from my face, "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." Adam pulled me into his arms, pulling me close to his chest. I buried my face in his wet sweatshirt. "I'm so sorry."

"Sh. It's okay. No one got hurt." I felt tears rolling down my already wet cheeks and I held onto Adam tighter.

I pulled back, wiping tears and raindrops from my face, "I'm sorry I got so upset about you and that girl. She was a fan and your fans are important to you. I shouldn't have questioned our relationship."

Adam pushed my hair behind my ear, "No, it's my fault. I know that fans and everything is part of my job now, but I should be more understanding of your feelings."

I let out a watery chuckle, "This is not your fault. This is my fault."

"Let's just agree to never argue in the car again." He smiled, "Especially if it's raining."

I started shivering, my teeth chattering, "Deal." Adam helped me up from the soft ground and we started walking back to the car. "Let's also agree to never make up in the rain. I'm freezing."

Adam stopped and turned me towards him, "I don't know; I think this is kind of romantic." I rolled my eyes as he pulled me in closer, placing his lips over mine as rain continued to fall around us.

Not sure how I feel about this one. This was the first thing that came to mind when I thought of rain, so I just went with it. If you don't like it then please let me know and I will write something happier/cuter/fluffier/better for you.

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