Literature Love ~ Kip Moore

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I woke up and rolled myself out of bed. I checked the clock and rushed to get ready. I had to be at my store in half an hour and it was a ten minute bike ride from my apartment. I got dressed quickly and brushed my teeth before rushing out the door. I pedaled as fast as I could and somehow made it work on time. Blair's Book Corner sat above the door in curly writing. I carried my bike up the two steps and unlocked the front door. The bell above the door rang as I pushed it open and tossed my bike inside. I flipped the closed sign to open and then made my way in. I looked around at all the books and smiled, "Good morning."

"Are you talking to your books again?"

I jumped and turned around, "Kelley! You scared me."

She laughed, "Sorry, I thought you heard me come in after you." She followed me over to the counter. I have her a pointed look as I shoved my bag under the counter and brought my bike into the back room.

As I reemerged, I stared at the blonde who perched herself on my counter, "What are you even doing here this early?"

She smiled, "You always make me coffee." I sighed and went over to the coffee machine, making her a cup. She thanked me as I handed it to her, "Thanks. Hey, I'm gonna be late. Can I take this mug and I'll bring it back around lunchtime?" I nodded and she moved to the door, "Thanks, doll.  See you later." She waved before leaving me all alone. I spent the next couple of hours reading Harry Potter and helping the few customers that came in. It was a slow day.

The bell above the door chimed as it was pushed open and a man with a red hat came in. I had never seen him before. He looked over at me and smiled. I smiled back, "Hello and welcome. Can I get you a cup of coffee or tea?"

The man shook his head as he walked further into the shop, "No thank you."

I nodded, "Are you looking for something in particular?"

He moved over to the counter, "Actually could you recommend something for me?"

I pursed my lips and leaned my elbows on the counter, "Something classic or new?"

He thought about it before answering, "How about classic? Can't go wrong with classic."

I laughed, "That is true." I hummed as I walked from behind the counter and made my way across the floor. I scanned a few titles before pulling one from the shelf, "What about To Kill a Mockingbird?" I held the book out and the man took it.

He turned it over in his hands, "I've actually never read it before."

"Oh, it's really good. I think you'll like it."

He looked up at me, "Yeah?"

I shrugged, "It's my favorite."

He nodded, "I'll take it then." I giggled and led him over to the counter where I clicked some buttons on the cash register. The man stood on the other side of the counter, "So are you Blair?"

I laughed, "Yes, I am Blair and this is my book corner."

The man held his hand out, "Kip." I shook his hand. "I live not far from here," he pointed over his shoulder, "And I pass the store all the time, but never really had the chance to stop in." I nodded and he smiled, "I'm glad I did today." I blushed and ducked under the counter to grab a bag.

I stood back up and cleared my throat, "So your total is $15.76." Kip nodded and pulled out his wallet. After he paid, he took the bag and walked to the door.

He pushed the door open and turned back to me, "Thank you for the recommendation, Blair."

I smiled, "No problem."

It was a couple of days later when Kip walked through the door of the book shop again. He smiled over at me, "Hey, Blair."

I stopped stacking books and leaned against the counter, "Hey, Kip. How did you like the book?"

He walked over to the counter and leaned on his elbows, "I thought it was great. I came back for another recommendation."

I stood up straight, "Something new this time?" He nodded and I weaved through some shelves to the back of the store. I stood on one of the stools and plucked a book from the top shelf. I walked back to Kip, "Do you like dogs?"

Kip nodded, "Who doesn't?"

I laughed, "Alright well, I've read many books about dogs and a lot of them are told from the dog's point of view." I held the book out to him, "This is the best one." He took it from my hands, his fingers brushing mine, causing an involuntary shiver. I hope he didn't notice.

"I'll take it." I smiled and rung him up. He waved as he walked out and I sighed.

A few days later, I was leaning against the front counter, reading Me Before You. I wiped away a few stray tears and sniffles a bit. The bell above the door rang and I looked up to see Kip. I hastily closed the book and wiped my face. He sauntered over to the counter, "You okay?"

I nodded and motioned to my book, "Yeah, it just gets me every time." I let out a watery chuckle and looked up at Kip, "How did you like A Dog's Purpose?"

He nodded, "It was good."

I smiled, "Great! So do you know what you want now or-"

"Actually I do know what I want." I looked at him expectantly. He tapped his hands on the counter and looked at me, "Go on a date with me?"

I stood still for a minute before regaining my composure, "What?"

"Go on a date with me. I think you're great, Blair and I wanna get to know you better. What do you say?"

I laughed, "I can't believe you just saw me crying over a book and you still asked me out." Kip laughed. I nodded, "Yeah. I'd love to go out with you."

He grinned, "Great. How about Saturday?"

"Sounds great."

This one is kind of long. Requests are still open!!

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