Past Love ~ Joe Nichols

440 7 0

Requested by gracieharris19

"Thanks for coming out today!" I held my hands up and bowed before looking out at the crowd again and waving to them, "Enjoy the rest of the festival." With a growing smile, I jogged off of the stage, the cheering of the crowd at my back. I loved playing these festivals. The crowds were always amazing and looking to have a good time. It certainly made things a lot easier. I nodded to people as I walked past and they patted my shoulder for a well done show. Stopping in front of my guitar case, I pulled the strap over my head and gently laid the instrument in its home. Several people moved around me at a fast pace, trying to set up for the next act. I clicked the locks of the case shut and stood to my full height, clutching the case's handle in my hand. My band mates called over to me and I nodded to them, quickly making my way over.

Before I could reach them, I was stopped by someone stepping in front of me, "Hey, great set." I looked up into a pair of very familiar eyes.

A smirk spread over my lips, "Well would you look at what we have here." The man smiled and ran his hand through his dark hair. My smirk broke and I grinned, "Long time no see." With my free arm I reached over and wrapped Joe in a loose hug. His arms wrapped around my waist as I pulled my head back from him, "How are you?"

Joe pulled back and smiled down at me, "I'm good." He gestured to me, "You look good. Amazing set." I could feel my cheeks begin to heat up and I prayed he wouldn't notice.

"Thanks. I'm doing well too." We stood in an awkward silence for a few minutes before I gestured to the stage behind me, "Are you up next?"

Joe shook his head, "Nah, I'm not until later." I nodded, digging the toe of my boot into the ground. I hated that I didn't know how to act around him. Joe seemed as if he didn't know what to do either because he ran his hand through his hair again, a sign that he was at a loss. "So how long has it been?"

I sighed, "Almost three years." He nodded and it was quiet again. Whoever was next on stage had started, so I nodded off to the buses, "You wanna hang out before your set?"

Joe grinned and nodded, "Hell yeah." I laughed and walked past him, allowing him to follow, towards my tour bus. My band had disappeared and I knew that they had seen us together. Stepping up into my road home, I put my guitar down and gestured for Joe to sit. He obliged and made himself comfortable on the small couch. I went to the fridge and grabbed two beers. Popping the tops off, I handed one to Joe before taking a drink from the other. He thanked me and patted the spot next to him. I smiled and sat down, immediately launching into a conversation with him.

We talked and laughed just like no time had passed at all and I soon found myself leaning on his shoulder, trying desperately to get my laughing under control. As my giggles quieted, Joe smiled down at me, moving some hair out of my eyes, "Why did we end this?" He motioned to us, "We were great together. We still are. Tonight is only proof of that."

I pulled away from him slightly, "We ended this because our careers were taking off and we knew that we'd never see each other." I sat up completely, "And we wanted to end it on our own terms."

"Do we still wanna end it on our own terms?" I shook my head and Joe grinned, moving closer to me, "What do we wanna do?"

I pursed my lips and looked around, "I don't know..." Joe pressed his forehead to mine, an unimpressed look on his face. I smiled, "We wanna start this again." Joe grinned and pressed his lips to mine.

So I got a new banjo. Her name is Pearl and she's beautiful. I started my lessons up again, so that's exciting. I have like 7 requests left, I think. Uh, requests are still closed and I hope you all enjoy this one.

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