Saved ~ Josh Turner ~ Part 2

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Requested by _joshturnerfam

It was silent as Josh and I walked down the busy sidewalk, towards the coffee shop. I wanted to say something, but I didn't know what and apparently he didn't either.

The bell above the door dinged as Josh pushed it open and gestured for me to walk in. I quietly thanked him and made my way over to the counter. After we had both gotten our coffees, we made our way over to an empty table near the window. I sipped my coffee, even though it burned my tongue, and looked around the shop. Josh cleared his throat and my head snapped to him, "So what do you do?"

I put my cup down and cleared my throat, "I own a clothing boutique."

"Wow, that's really cool. Owning your own business must be amazing."

I nodded, "Yeah, it can be stressful at times, but I love it. I mean, it's been my dream since I was a kid, so it's really cool that I'm living it." He nodded and I cleared my throat, "So what do you do?"

Josh smiled, "I'm in the music business."

"Oh wow. That sounds amazing." He nodded and smiled. "So what exactly do you do? Are you a musician or do you work in production?"

"I'm a musician."

I nodded, "You play shows and stuff?" He nodded and I smiled, "I'd like to hear you one day."

He smiled, "That can most definitely be arranged." I chuckled and from there the conversation took off. I told Josh more about my store and he told me about is favorite shows and tour partners. By now our cups were empty, but I didn't want to leave. Josh looked down at our cups and then back at me, "You want another?" I grinned and nodded. He stood up, grabbing the empty cups and made his way back up to the counter. I watched him go, the smile still present on my face. Just then, someone rushed up to the table. My smile fell as I looked up at him. He gave me his dazzling smile.

"Raegan. I've been looking everywhere for you. I went to the park, but you weren't there." He fell into the seat across from me and grabbed my hands, "I'm so glad I found you." I stared at him in complete shock. My eyes slid over to Josh who had been walking back over to the table with two coffees in his hands, but he stopped in his tracks when he saw us. "Raegan?" I looked back at him.

I smirked, "I'm sorry, but that seat is saved." I pulled my hands away and smiled up at Josh who grinned back. He looked between us, shock clearly written on his face. It didn't look like he would be moving anytime soon, so Josh moved closer.

"Let's find another spot."

I nodded and stood up, taking the coffee that had been offered to me, "Thank you." Josh smiled and took my free hand in his and led me out of the coffee shop.

Hope you like it!! Let me know if you don't and I can fix it. Thanks to everyone for reading and voting!

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