Space ~ Sam Hunt

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Requested by LilReoSpeedwagon

"I just think that we would benefit from some space."

"Space?" Sam nodded, looking to the floor, and I narrowed my eyes at him, "What do you mean?"

He sighed, picking his head up to stare at me, "We should break up." I stared at him in shock, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

"I thought everything was good. I thought we were good."

Sam stood and wrapped his arms around me, "We are good. It's just that..." He fell silent and I felt the anger course through my veins.

I pulled out of his grip, "If we're so good then why are you ending it?"

"I just think that with my career going the way that it is, we should go our separate ways."

Now the tears started to fall, "Are you serious?" Sam didn't say anything, he just stared at the floor. Sighing, I wiped away my tears, "Just go." Sam looked at me with glassy eyes, but I turned away, "Go." He obliged this time and went to the door.

Turning back, he spoke in a whisper, "I'm sorry." And then the click of the door closing resonated in my ears.

~6 Months Later~

A content smile formed on my lips as a cool breeze blew past. Closing my eyes, I let my mind get swept away. What a beautiful day. I felt a hand on my shoulder and my grin widened as I turned around. My smile faded as I came face to face with Sam. He gave a hesitant smile, "Hey."

I stared for a minute before I found my voice, "Hi."

"It's been a while."

My face hardened, "Yeah, haven't seen you since you broke my heart." A guilty look took residence on Sam's face. Good. He should feel guilty. An arm snaked its way around my waist and I turned to see Tyler. In that moment, all the tension was gone. Tyler and I hadn't been seeing each other for that long, but he had this way of always making me feel at ease. When I first agreed to go out with him I didn't think it would go anywhere serious. I was still so upset about Sam, but Tyler made me forget all of that. He made me feel good again.

Tyler leaned down and kissed my temple, "Hey, baby." I smiled up at him before turning to see Sam glaring at us. Tyler must have just noticed him because he turned and smiled at Sam.

He held his hand out, "Hey, man. I'm Tyler."

Sam ignored him and turned to me, "Can I talk to you? Alone?" Tyler gave me a confused look, but I only smiled up at him. I followed Sam over to the large pond in the center of the park. Once we were out of earshot of Tyler, Sam rounded on me, "Who the hell is that guy?!"

I stepped back, "Don't you dare yell at me."

"You're just walking around with this other guy! Letting him hang all over you!"

"Hey! You are not my boyfriend anymore, Sam. Remember you broke up with me because your management told you to. I can do whatever I want."

Sam started pacing, "I didn't break up with you because of management."

I shook my head, "Who are you trying to kid? We both know it was their idea." We stood in silence for a minute and I was ready to walk away, but Sam looked up at me.

"I made a mistake. I want you back."

I stared at him, "You're too late."

I turned on my heel, but stopped when I heard his voice, "Babe."

Turning back, I shook my head, "I'm not your babe anymore." Sam looked down. "You got the space you wanted." His head snapped up at my words, but I had turned around again before he could say anything. I took steady steps away from him, ready to put him in my past.

I'm really sorry that I haven't updated in such a long time. I'm not really doing too well right now, so honestly, don't expect much from me for the next few weeks. I'm gonna try as hard as I can to get my requests done, but I just don't know. Also, due to all of this, I have closed requests again. Thanks for being patient.

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