For You ~ Adam Sanders

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Requested by Luke_and_Dustin

"Babe!" Adam rushed through the front door and ran around the living room. I chuckled from my spot in the kitchen and waited for him to find me. "Babe! Babe!" He ran into the kitchen, out of breath.

I smirked at him, "What? What? What?"

He grinned as he wrapped his arms around my waist, "You'll never guess what happened today." I chuckled as his grin seemed to stretch wider.

"Your song went to number one?"

Adam threw his arms into the air, "My song went to number one!" His arms fell back to his sides, "Wait, how did you know that?"

I chuckled and went back to making lunch, "You think I don't listen to country radio?" I turned and threw my arms around his neck, "I'm so proud of you!" He hugged me back, picking me up and setting me on the counter. I pulled back and smiled at him, "It's a great song. You really deserve it."

He kissed my lips and pulled back, "The song is great because it's about you." I rolled my eyes, but smiled nonetheless. "They're throwing a party for me tomorrow night. You'll come, right?"

I scoffed, "Are you kidding? Of course I'll be there." Adam smiled and kissed me again.


I had changed outfits three times before Adam declared that I looked perfect and we needed to leave now or we'd be late. I thought that it would be okay for Adam to be a little late for his own party, but I kept my mouth shut and followed him out to the car. After a quick drive we were at the bar where the party was taking place. Adam and I walked in to the sound of applause and cheers. Adam grinned as he said hello to everyone and accepted their congratulations. We walked over to the bar and got some drinks before making our way around the room.

The party was in full swing and I had lost Adam in the crowd. Lucky for me I had found a few friends and we huddled together, talking. "So how excited are you that a song written about you made it to the number one spot on the charts?"

I rolled my eyes, "This isn't about me. It's about Adam and his amazing song." My friends giggled, prompting me to roll my eyes again. As I opened my mouth to shut them up, I felt arms wrap around my waist. I turned and smiled up at Adam. He grinned back and pulled me away from my cackling group of friends.

"Come with me for a minute?" Adam pulled me to the middle of the room, letting go of my waist. He cleared his throat and spoke over the music, "Can I have everyone's attention for a second." The music quieted down and everyone turned to watch me and Adam. He cleared his throat, "First of all I want to say thank you all for putting this together and coming out tonight to celebrate with me. It means a lot." He waved his hand and his number one song started playing softly. He turned to me, "And I want to say thank you to my beautiful girlfriend. I couldn't have done any of this without her." I smiled. Adam cleared his throat and bent down on one knee. My smile dropped. He looked up at me, nervousness clear in his eyes, "And now I'd like to ask my beautiful girlfriend if she would become my beautiful fiancé." He pulled a ring from his pocket and held it out to me.

"Oh my..." A smile broke out on my face, "Yes!" Adam jumped up and wrapped his arms around me. I felt a few tears roll down my cheeks as I pulled away and pecked Adam's lips. He grinned at me as he slipped the ring onto my finger.

I'm so sorry for the wait. I've literally been writing this imagine for four days. I just back to school, so that will obviously take precedence over my imagines. I am still working on all the requests I have, they just might take a little longer than expected. Thanks for reading!

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