Right Here ~ Eric Church

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Requested by Batmananddemon

Between studio time and touring, Eric had been crazy busy lately and I was starting to get annoyed by all the time I was spending alone. I knew I shouldn't feel this way, but I couldn't help it. I know Eric's job is important to him, but I was starting to feel like I wasn't important to him anymore. I sighed as the the apartment door opened and heavy footsteps rushed towards the living room. Looking up I saw Eric rush past me and into our bedroom. I jumped up and followed him, "Hey, babe, I was thinking that maybe we could go out to dinner and a movie tonight."

Eric was throwing clothes from the closet to our bed, "I don't think so, babe."

"Oh well, maybe we could just stay in and watch Netflix?" Eric stepped out of the closet, pulling his shirt over his head. He tossed the article of clothing to the hamper, but came up short. I stared at the shirt that was just lying on the ground, "Well?" I looked up at Eric.

He slipped a new shirt over his arms and started buttoning it up, "I can't tonight." He rushed around the room once more before he stepped back towards the living room. I stared at his discarded shirt again. Eric called back to me, "I'm going out with the guys! Don't wait up!" His shirt was just lying on our bedroom floor.

I stormed out of the bedroom, stopping Eric before he could leave, "What the hell?!"

His hand hesitated on the door knob, "What's wrong?"

I paced back and forth, "You're just gonna leave... your shirt on the floor?"

He stared at me, "I'll get it later." He pulled open the door, but I shoved it closed again.

"Later? You'll get it later?" He nodded and I shook my head, throwing my arms up, "Well what if it's not there later?"

Eric looked utterly confused, "Where would it be?"

My arms fell to my sides and I shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe somewhere it feels wanted." Eric only continued to stare me.

"Babe, it's a shirt."

I shook my head, stepping away from the door, "Just go." He lingered for a minute, staring at me. I shook my head again and he left. The door clicked shut and I threw myself onto the couch. Stupid jerk.

I jumped awake at the sound of the apartment door opening. I looked around, rubbing my eyes. Eric stepped into the living room, looking down at the coffee table which was a mess of junk food. He smiled down at me, "Hey, baby."

I stared at the tv, "Oh you're home?"

Eric nodded, shoving his hands into his jeans pockets, "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

I glared up at him, "Don't you have somewhere better to be, stupid?"

He sat next to me, throwing his arm over my shoulder, "Nah, I'm exactly where I wanna be." I scoffed and he leaned in closer to me, "Right here." I turned away from him and he sighed, "I'm sorry about ignoring you lately. I should have made more of an effort to spend time with you. I just got so caught up in everything. I'm sorry." I turned to face him, placing a quick kiss on his lips.

"It's okay."

He smiled, pulling me in closer, "I love you."

Nuzzling into his neck, I giggled, "I love you too."

Thanks for reading. Hope you all enjoyed!! I have done so much writing toady. SOMEONE BE PROUD OF ME!!

Question of the chapter: Who is an artist that you think is underrated?

I feel like Eric Paslay is not talked about nearly as much as he should be. Leave your answers in the comments.

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