Abandoned Backstage ~ Hunter Hayes

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Requested by NHLgirl22

"Are you sure you wanna just stand in this hallway by yourself?"

I nodded as I felt the rough wall under my fingertips, "Yep." I leaned back, clutching my cane in my hands. The wall was cool and I was grateful. I could feel the hesitation radiating off of Connie. I laughed, "Just go! I know you wanna meet the band. I'll be fine."

She sighed, "Okay. But I'll only be gone for like 20 minutes tops." I reached out and hit her shoulder. She laughed and I heard her footsteps echo down the hallway. Sighing, I leaned heavily on the wall. It was starting to get really hot in this hallway. I hoped that Connie wouldn't take as long as she thought. Pulling one of my hands away from my cane, I started to fan myself. It really was stifling in here. With a groan, I pushed away from the wall and held my cane out in front of me. Sliding it across the floor, I started to make my way down the hall, hoping I was going in the right direction. As I made my way down the hall, my cane made contact with something in front of me. I stopped as I felt someone get close to me.

"Hey, do you need help?"

I smiled at the voice, "Am I walking towards an exit?"

There was a pause and then, "Yeah, it's straight ahead."

I nodded, "Thanks." I moved forward again, stopping when the voice called from behind me,

"I was actually heading outside myself. It's really hot in here. Care for some company?" I turned my head and nodded. I felt the stranger sidle up next to me and then we both headed for the door. The cool breeze was welcome on my skin and I sighed in relief. The stranger chuckled and I turned towards him.

"You sound really familiar. Do I know you?"

He chuckled again, "I'm Hunter."

I snapped my fingers, "Hunter Hayes!"

This time he let out a full laugh, "Yeah. You're pretty good."

"Well when you listen to the same artist over and over again, you get to know their voice really well." We stood in silence for a minute before I turned back in the direction we had come from, "Well, I should go back inside. My friend is going to be looking for me." I moved my cane around before a hand wrapped around my arm.

"I can walk you back in." I let Hunter lead me back inside the building and back to the spot Connie had left me at.

Once we stopped, I turned and smiled, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." It was quiet, but I could still feel Hunter standing close by, so I knew he hasn't walked away yet. "Do you maybe want to go out sometime?" I stood still for a second, too shocked to say anything. "I mean, if you don't want to, you can just say so." He let out a nervous chuckle and I smiled.


"Oh I understand."

I shook my head, laughing, "No, I meant, no I want to...go out with you, I mean."

"You do?"

I nodded, "Yes."

I felt him take my hand and slip some paper into it, "Here's my number. Give me a call when you get the chance and we can set something up."

"That sounds great." I felt a pair of lips land on my cheek and I could feel my face heat up. Hunter laughed and squeezed my hand before saying goodbye and walking down the hall. I sighed and leaned my head against the wall.

"What happened to you?"

I turned at the sound of Connie's voice and smiled, "Oh nothing. How was the meet and greet?"

Connie hesitated, "It was good. Are you sure you're okay?" I heard her shuffle around a bit before she grabbed my arms and squealed, "Hunter Hayes is over there."

"Is he now?"

She stopped squealing and shook me a little, "You guys were talking weren't you?" I smirked and she shook me again, "I can't believe you weren't going to tell me!" She looped her arm with mine and we started walking. "So details?"

I laughed and showed her the paper, "He gave me his number and we're going out." Connie squealed once again and started shaking my arm. I just laughed and continued walking, dragging Connie with me. I couldn't wait to get home, so that I could call Hunter.

So sorry about being M.I.A. For the past couple of weeks. I've been really busy with school, but I'm back now! I have a lot of requests that I'm going through right now. Thanks everyone for being patient. Hope this one was okay, but let me know if it's not and then I can fix it.

Also I would really appreciate it if from now on, you all could send requests via inbox instead of comments. It's just easier for me to keep track of everything that way. Thank you!

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