Midnight Confessions ~ Taylor Ray Holbrook

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Requested by TH6265

Taylor and I were sitting on the dock, taking turns skipping rocks in the clear, cool water. Taylor laughed as one of my rocks fell straight down the bottom without a single skip. I pushed his shoulder, "Shut up." He only laughed harder as I rolled my eyes, "Well let's see you do it then, hot shot." He controlled his laughter, readying a smooth, flat stone in his hand. With a flick of his wrist, he sent the stone sliding across the water, skipping five times before falling to the bottom of the lake. He smirked over at me, but I only shoved him again, mumbling, "Show-off." He laughed again, so I retaliated by pushing his pile of "perfect skipping stones" into the lake. He gaped at me and I smirked back, "Skip stones now, jerk."

"That's it." He lunged at me, his hands gripping my waist, "I'll toss you right into this lake."

I slapped his hands away from me, speaking through my laughs, "Don't you dare." He laughed along with me as he started to tickle my sides. I attempted to squirm away from him, but he was too strong. Our laughter was cut short when my phone started to ring. Taylor looked from the phone to me and then back again. I took advantage of his distraction by slipping out of his grip and skipping to where my phone sat atop my discarded shoes. I quickly answered the phone when I saw my boyfriend's name on the screen, "Hey, babe!"

His voice was angry as he practically spat through the phone, "Don't 'hey, babe' me. Where the hell are you?" I winced, pulling the phone slightly away from my ear. I glanced back at Tyler to see him pretending not to listen to my side of the conversation.

Taking a few steps away from him, I pressed the phone back to my ear, "I told you I was hanging out with Tyler today." Tag scoffed and started yelling about how he didn't want me hanging out with Tyler and that I better get home within the hour; he would be waiting for me. I rolled my eyes as I hung up the phone and took slow steps back to Tyler.

He smiled up at me, "Everything good?"

I nodded, "Yeah, but I'm sorry, I have to cut this short." Tyler only nodded as he stood up and grabbed his shoes, walking ahead of me, back towards the truck. The ride back to my apartment was silent. I knew Tyler had heard what was said between me and Tag, but he didn't want to push me into talking about it. For that I was grateful.

When we pulled up in front of my place, we saw Tag pacing the sidewalk in front of the building. I turned to Tyler, thanking him and telling him that I'd text him later. He nodded and smiled, glancing past me at Tag and sending him a wave. Tag only glared back as I slammed the truck door and made my way over to him. Tyler pulled away and that's when Tag started in.


It was a little after midnight when I knocked on Taylor's door. He answered quickly, still dressed in his clothes from earlier. I smiled at him hesitantly, "Sorry I didn't call first."

He shook his head, ushering me inside, "Don't apologize. Are you okay?"

Nodding, I stepped into his house, going straight to his living room and settling on the couch, "I broke up with Tag."

Taylor sat next to me, putting his arm around my shoulder, "I'm sorry, baby girl." His guitar was leaning against the couch and I found myself fiddling with it as Taylor gave me a side hug.

"No, don't be sorry. He was an idiot and crazy jealous." I stopped playing with the guitar and looked at my best friend, "I should have broken up with him a long time ago." We sat in silence before Taylor was retracting his arm and I found myself missing his warmth.

He grabbed his guitar, pulling it into his lap, "Can I play you something?" I nodded and he started strumming. I leaned against his shoulder as he played a melody, singing softly in time with his strumming. Tyler's gentle playing was beginning to lull me to sleep as my eyes slipped shut. The song ended and I heard Taylor set the guitar down. He ran his fingers through my hair, "I love you, Aaliyah."

Keeping my eyes closed, I snuggled further into his warmth, "I love you too, Tay." His arm slid around my shoulder and he leaned down, pressing his lips to the crown of my head.

Thanks for requesting! I hope this is close to what you had in mind!

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