Three ~ Kip Moore

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I was sitting at the dining room table, enjoying a cup of tea and staring at the ultrasound picture that I had gotten from the doctor only a few hours ago. The lock on the door clicked and I jumped to my feet, the picture clutched tightly in my hands. Kip walked into the apartment, smiling when he saw me, "Hey, baby girl." After the door had been nudged closed, Kip made his way over, engulfing me in his arms and kissing the top of my head, "How was your appointment? Everything okay?" His hand moved down to rub the small bump in my belly as he smiled at me.

I nodded, "Everything is fine. We're all fine." I saw the confusion flash in his eyes, but he kept smiling.


I nodded again, grinning, "The doctor heard three heartbeats." The shock was clear on his face now.

"Three heartbeats? So your heartbeat, and then two for the..."

Shaking my head, I giggled, "Three heartbeats for three babies."

He staggered back, "Three babies? I gotta sit down." He pulled out one of the dining room chairs and practically fell into it, "Three babies?" I nodded and held the picture out to him. He took it and stared at the three separate sections. "I feel like I'm gonna pass out." I moved over to stand in front of Kip.

Placing my hands on his shoulders, I gave him a soft smile, "It's gonna be okay. We can do this and you are going to be a great dad." I pecked his lips quickly and he smiled.

"You're gonna be the best mom." He stood up and placed a gentle kiss on my lips. Then he leaned down and placed his lips on my belly, "Three babies."

I'm hoping to get at least two more imagines up today. We'll see. YOU GUYS! This book has 11k reads and over 500 votes! That is amazing! When I started this book I never would have imagined to get all the positive feedback that I've been receiving. So thanks so much for reading, and voting, and commenting, and requesting. It means so much.

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