Bottles ~ William Michael Morgan

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Requested by Meg2010

Wiping the bar top with a rag, I looked around the almost empty room. It was a slow night and I was more than bored. The end of my shift could not come soon enough. After serving what was probably only my fifth drink, I turned to the colorful bottles that lined the wall. I busied myself with straightening and rearranging them. They clinked together, bouncing off one another to make a sweet sound. My attention was stolen from the bottles by a new patron taking a seat at the bar. I looked him over before sending him a smile, "Hey, cowboy. What can I get you?" He looked up at me. Man, he really looked rough.

Shaking his head, he sighed, "Beer."

I nodded, "What kind?"

"Doesn't matter."

Scoffing, I grabbed a bottle of Bud Light and flipped the cap off, "Not a good idea to let someone else pick your beer. They might give you something horrible." There was a dull thunk as the bottle landed on the bar in front of the man. He grabbed the glass neck and brought the bottle to his lips, taking a long swig.

Lowering the bottle, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, "I'm not really interested in how I get drunk. I'm more interested in the effect." He took another long sip.

I leaned forward on the bar, "Rough day?" He gave a bitter laugh, but said nothing else. I turned away from him and went to my newly arranged bottles and grabbed one from the shelf, "If you're looking to get drunk then you should try this." I held the bottle of Jack up for him to see. He stared at it for a second before nodding his head. With a small smile, I pulled a shot glass from under the counter and put it in front of the man. Holding the bottle firmly, I tipped it over and poured what was probably going to be the first shot of many. I slid it forward and he grabbed it easily. He held the glass up and clinked it against the bottle that was still in my hands. And then the glass was empty. He waved, so I poured another shot. Tapping my fingers against the whiskey bottle, I stared at the man, "So..." He looked up at me and I gestured with my free hand.


I nodded, "So, William, what's troubling you?" I poured another shot.

"Cheating girlfriend." He clinked his glass against the bottle and downed the Jack.

"That sucks."

He laughed, "Yeah. It really does." He grabbed his bottle of beer again and took a long sip.

"So did you break up with her?" He nodded. I twirled the bottle between my two hands, "Well that's good. You don't need that in your life."

He gave a sad smile, "Yeah, I guess. I just wish it didn't feel so terrible."

I nodded, "You'll be okay. You'll find someone else." I grinned at him. He managed a small smile before asking for another beer. I grabbed a bottle and slid it over to him. He drank it quietly. I decided to go back to straightening my bottles, so that he could have some time to himself.

"What's your name?"

I turned to face William, "Megan." He nodded to me once and then went back to his beer. He stared at the bottle before putting it back on the bar. I turned at the sound of someone rushing behind the bar.

Kelley's hair was hanging messily in her face, "Hey, Meg, sorry I'm late. You can get out of here now."

I nodded to her and turned back to William, "Well, my shift's over." He nodded. I turned around and grabbed the bottle of Jack. Turning back, I smiled at him, "Coming?" I walked out from behind the bar. William gave me a confused look, but I only giggled, "Come on, cowboy." I gestured to the door with the bottle, letting the glass catch the light. I stared at him as I moved backwards toward the door, "You can tell me all about your cheating girlfriend and how you don't need her anymore." I swirled the contents of the bottle around and watch as William stood from the barstool and followed me out into the cool night air. He took hold of the hand that I held out to him, gesturing to the bottle in my other hand. I smirked before bringing the bottle up to my lips and taking a sip.

I just want to say thank you to everyone for being so patient with me and the requests. I have a lot on my plate right now and I'm trying to get all these imagines done. Honestly I've been feeling so uninspired with my writing lately, so I really appreciate everyone's patience. I'm gonna try to get one or two more done this weekend, but I'm not making any promises. I have 2 midterms to study for, a paper, a four minute speech to write, and work. Thanks again for reading and voting. It means a lot to me.

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