Announcement ~ Dustin Lynch

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Requested by Luke_and_Dustin

I was currently standing in the wings of the stage where Dustin was going to be playing a small show tonight, wringing my hands together. I was beyond nervous because Dustin's parents were going to be at the show tonight and I had never met them before. Dustin assured me that they would love me, but I couldn't find any comfort in his words. I was still nervous which is why I was glaring at the back of his head as he checked out his guitars. I sighed, but Dustin continued to check the strings in his guitar. I sighed again, louder this time, and Dustin turned to me with a smile, "You need something, babe?"

I crossed my arms over my chest, "Are you sure this is a good idea?" Dustin only stared at me, so I elaborated, "We haven't been dating for that long. Don't you think it's a bit early for me to be meeting your parents?"

Dustin chuckled, "They're gonna love you. There's nothing to be worried about." He wrapped his arms around my waist, placing his lips on my neck, "I promise."

I scoffed at him, "Don't make promises that you have no control over." He chuckled and I pulled away, turning to glare at him, "Maybe I should just go out into the crowd and your parents can hang out back here..."

Dustin smirked, "That's not gonna work."

"Why not?"

Dustin pointed behind me, "Because they're walking over now." I spun on my heel to see Dustin's parents not even 10 feet away.

I spun back, a panicked look on my face, "What do I do?"

Dustin chuckled, "Say hi?" I glared at him. He was absolutely no help. He smiled and turned me around by my shoulders, keeping his arm slung around me, "Mom! Dad! How are you?" His mother ran up to him and his arm slipped from my shoulder as she wrapped him up in a hug. She released him and immediately wrapped me up in a huge hug as Dustin greeted his dad.

"It's so nice to meet you! Dustin has already told us so much about you."

I pulled away from her and smiled, "It's nice to meet you too." She looped her arm with mine and started asking me a bunch of questions about my job and my family. I happily answered them all as Dustin laughed.

"Don't scare her off." His mother only scoffed at him and swatted him away. He laughed again, "I gotta get on stage anyway. I'll see y'all after the show." He kissed my cheek quickly before darting onto the stage, much to the crowd's pleasure. I kept my arm looped with Dustin's mom's as we danced around backstage, watching the show.

About halfway through Dustin's set, he looked over and me and winked. I rolled my eyes at him and stuck my tongue out. He chuckled as he brought the microphone up to his lips, "So my parents are here tonight." The crowd cheered and he smiled, "And actually tonight is a kind of special night. My parents are here and this is the first time they're meeting my lovely girlfriend." The crowd went crazy and Dustin's smile widened, "I don't think y'all knew about that." The crowd cheered again and he laughed, "Ah well. She was a little nervous about tonight." He looked over to be met with my glare and pursed lips. "She's gonna kill me for saying that, but it's true. And since there's nothing to be worried about anymore," he looked at me, "Babe, would you come out here?" Dustin's mom pushed me towards the stage and I reluctantly walked out. I was met with the cheers of the crowd and I waved at them. Dustin smiled as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders, "I think I should make that whole spilling your secrets thing up to you."

I scoffed, "Ya think?" The crowd laughed as Dustin's mic picked up my response.

"I think I know the perfect way." His hand kicked in with Where It's At and Dustin removed his arm from my shoulder so that he could stand in front of me and hold my hand. He started singing while staring straight into my eyes, a huge grin plastered on his face. And for a moment we were the only two people there.

Hope you enjoy! Thanks so much to everyone for reading. I have a random question, but I'm trying to make a playlist for a 3 hour drive to a music festival and I don't know if I should make one of all the artists that will be playing the festival or if I should dig through all my music and make like a road trip playlist. What do you guys think?

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