Interview ~ Kip Moore

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I walked into work with my green tea and bagel, super excited about getting to eat the toasted goodness. I wasn't even at my desk for two seconds when my boss came over, "Lola! Get ready to kiss the ground that I walk on." She perched herself on the side of my desk and smirked down at me.

I laughed, "Why on earth would I do that?"

"Because we have a super special guest coming in for an interview today and I decided that you get to conduct said interview."

I jumped up, "Tilly, are you serious? Thank you so much!" I'd been writing articles at Country Sounds for almost a year now and I had never done a real interview. I clapped my hands together, "This is amazing! Who am I interviewing?"

She pursed her lips, "If I told you now then I would miss the shocked look on your face when he walks in here later." She smirked again and got to her feet,"I wouldn't want to deprive myself, and everyone else, of that." She started to walk back to her office. 3...2...1. "Okay, I'll tell you." Tilly rushed back over, "You ready?" I nodded and she let out a breath, "Okay. Today you will be interviewing...Kip. Moore." My eyes widened and I forgot how to breathe.

"You're kidding." She shook her head, her smile widening. I jumped up and down, "No way. This is the best thing to ever happen to me."

Tilly started jumping with me, "I knew you were going to love this assignment."

I stopped jumping, "I do. Thank you so much for the opportunity, Tils. I really appreciate it."

She nudged my shoulder, "Don't mention it. Your articles are amazing. You deserve it." I smiled. Tilly motioned to her office, "I've got some work to do. Your interview is at noon and it's in studio 2. Marv is your cameraman and Kelly and Jake are doing sound. They'll be looking for you at like 11:30, so have your questions ready by then. Kelly will have your game ready. I think Joel is still working out what he wants." She turned back to me, "And, Lola, don't worry. You'll nail it." She grinned and waved, "I'll try to pop in during the interview." I sat down at my desk and pulled out a pad and pen. Sliding off my shoes, I got to work. What to ask?

At 11:15 I slid my shoes back on and and ran to studio 2. Kelly saw me first and smiled, "Hey, Lola! Congrats on the interview. You'll do great."

"Thanks. I'm a little nervous."

Kelly rested her hand on my shoulder, "It'll be great." She motioned to the couch, "Sit over there for a minute. Marv wants frame the shot." I nodded and went over to the couch. Kelly started playing with some wires, "Okay, so Joel has decided that you'll be playing two truths and a lie, so we have that all set up. Better start thinking of some facts about yourself."

Marv walked over with his camera, "Hey, Lola. Congrats." I smiled and waited as he held up the camera and made some adjustments, "You excited?"

Kelly laughed, "Of course she is. She loves Kip Moore." I could feel my face heat up and Kelly only continued to laugh, "You better hope your face isn't that red when he gets here."

I threw my pen at her, "Shut up."

She laughed and threw the pen back, "Marv, you done?" He nodded, so Kelly motioned towards me, "Come here, Lola." She handed me a microphone, "We're gonna keep it simple today." I nodded and looked at the clock. 11:50. He should be here any minute now.

I looked around, "Hey, where's Jake? Tilly said he was doing sound with you."

Kelly sighed, "I have no idea where that man is, but he better get here in the next five seconds."

"It's just right through here." Kelly and I turned to see Jake walking through the door, followed by a couple of people. Jake led the small group of people over to us, "This is Kelly," he motioned over to Marv, "That's our cameraman, Marv." The group turned back to me, "And this is Lola. She'll be conducting the interview." The men nodded and one stepped forward. My breath caught in my throat.

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